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ParticipantI just picked up some thread fin rainbow they seem to get along well in fact they often swim together which the cpd usually don’t do
They are in a QT tank with some cpd it will take a while to get them settled they were in a local fish store for a year so they are a little tattered but when they are in breeding colour they are spectacular
I couldn’t resist it is usually hard to get the females, I hope to breed them I also keep them with shrimp with no problemsged
ParticipantOne of the things I ran into is the pet stores(and some people) don’t like them because they are so timid and don’t show well especially in a busy store setting. I was in one of the stores I supplied when I over heard the fish room manager say and I quote “there is never anything ever cool about those fish” to another employee when she said those are cool fish. I haven’t brought my fish back to that store since, just previous to that the store backed out of a pre order of 200. I specifically bred an extra 200 for them but I figured just to keep good relations I wouldn’t cause a retrospect not sure I would do the same thing again. Personally I like the fact they act naturally in the aquarium and carry on with their day as long as they are properly housed and don’t spend all day with their face stuck to the glass of the 4th wall trying to find a way out.
ParticipantI do add calcium it made a huge difference in my shrimp they all responded by reproducing within the month. Of course just because it worked for me…it certainly helped with my water The calcium is good for the shell I think since you use RO water they would benefit from mineral supplements I don’t think RO has many minerals if any. You can use calcium supplements from a pharmacy dissolved in water and added which is the cheapest method. I also use limestone be careful of iron in the limestone soak it and test the water for iron before adding. Reef calcium works well and is very easy but of course cost more. I happen to live close to an area rich in limestone and gypsum.
ParticipantSome should survive if there is suitable cover moss is ideal keep it some what compressed so the cpd can’t reach them. I had one male in with the yellows for a few months but he is unusually small only half the size of a normal cpd he also doesn’t seem to see very well, he didn’t have any impact numbers. The cpd spent a great deal of time hunting and eating infusoria the thing about shrimp is they are very tasty and once they get a taste they will seek them out.
ParticipantThey are fine with shrimp in my experience they can eat new born shrimp
Participant@snail wrote:
Nice looking fish. Do you keep the shrimp with the CPD?
I do keep cpd with shrimp not with the yellow right now because I want to produce a larger amount of shrimp, I keep the cpd with amano, blue,indian white back, and even a macrobrachium lanchesteri.
Participant@Tom2006 wrote:
I’m still trying to get my crystal red shrimp to produce youngsters. They hold the eggs no problems but I just never see any youngsters?!?! :roll:
Are there any fish in with them? Do you add calcium to the water?
ParticipantThey don’t have any problem in the in the heat I have kept them anywhere from 74-82 f in my tanks but myanmar can get pretty hot, I would expect the water would be in at least the high 80’s seasonally you probably would not want to keep them at that temp all the time it may shorten the life span
ParticipantHi I think you will enjoy your Cpd I know I do. I have posted lost of pictures I do enhance my picture mainly by contrast
Take this picture for example
This is the same picture unedited
My camera is known to have low saturation so I have the camera set to vivid as recommended. They do get this colourful when they are kept in a species tank during displays the colour is most vivid I like to use a zoom lens so I don’t disturb them they do mute their colours when approached. I also feed brine shrimp regularly.
Good to see another person enjoy these beautiful fishged
ParticipantThanks I used shutter speed of 1/25 if you consider that with rapid movement involved they are pretty sharp given the circumstances and camera settings
ParticipantThey go pale when they don’t feel comfortable i.e. they will be very pale when the lights first come on, some of mine will lose their colour when I approach the tank but get it back quickly
ParticipantI have heard the exact thing from people who bought from me except one case in a 55 gallon
ParticipantAgain I have not witnessed it myself but have seen reports of it, Well the good news is they seem to eat them as adults if as long as they are not to large and you have enough of the adult fish. I used to have them in my tanks as well but I don’t anymore.
Participant@Tom2006 wrote:
i’ve read lots of stories from people all around the world reporting similar swimming problems so for me it must be genetic even if there are ways to help lessen the problem. I just let the problem ones die if they were going to figure its survival of the fittest
I agree I have also seen adults try to eat fry and left them injured and cause spinal damage, and have read reports of hydra causing spinal damage as well.