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ParticipantAwesome job! Can’t wait for those pics :wink:
ParticipantThat’s utterly awesome! Do you think you could post pictures of how they are currently in your 5 gallon? Seems to me you might have a bunch of hungry baby feeshies real soon.
Good luck!
ParticipantGlenn, your tanks are especially very very clean! As compared to mine, which has decaying plant matter everywhere and brown all over the sand, how do you keep your tanks so clean everywhere?
I am still very baffled as to why my tanks are so dirty. Not toxic, just dirty.
ParticipantAwesome looking tank! Hope you have lots of luck :wink:
Participantdekstr, I am observing the same with my guppies, as well. Even though there is lush plant growth in the back of the tank, very little of the food flow into there. The male fry, I’m assuming, are being bullied all the way into the plants and have very little to eat as guppies tend to eat everything. So food is scarce and only recently have I noticed some very very small fry are hanging in the roots.
Eye-dropper with some finely crushed flake mixed with a little tank water is my ordeal now. Hopefully, some males survive.
I think this is a good thing…
ParticipantI have a question though, I’ve read somewhere on here before that hydras are a bad sign? How could the presense of hydras indicate the success of the fry?
I heard it was if there were hydras in the tank, there wouldnt be any fry…?
Does your cpds gobble those microwafers up easy? Mine are having some difficulty getting it through their small mouths. It could be the phishes are a little on the small side.
I gave them a piece of bloodworms now and again but they sure are picky when it comes to soft food. They seem to love any hard, crunchy pickings they find… :roll:
ParticipantHere’s the video I promised. This one captures the cpds more in detail. Hopefully, it will make more sense of what I mean when I say, “PALE”
You can click on the link and view it in fullscreen to get a better look…
0:05-0:06 : Non-Dominant Male appearing on right side; he is very pale and color depth is very close resemblance to dominant females0:10-0:14 : Dominant Female in middle; you can see her close color coordination to that non-dominant male from before. If you look closely, you can see the “gravid” spot on her…
0:40-0:43 : Females; if you look closely, they all have gravid spots. Their color is quite pale, is this normal?
The rest of the video shows the rest of the bunch. I was able to get this footage because I just dropped in some of the hikari micro wafers and it had sunk to the bottom. Those wafers smell real potent! Those guys go for ’em like trout to powerbait…
The really active one in the bunch (right bottom corner @ 2:08 ) came from the second batch (of 2) and came a couple days ago. You can notice it still has that “sunken” stomach look. Hopefully, he’ll fatten right up. The other one in that last batch is gone…I can’t find it because it already has fattened up and mixed in with the rest. :lol:
ParticipantUpdate on the tank:
0:05-0:06 : Non-Dominant Male appearing on right side; he is very pale and color depth is very close resemblance to dominant females
0:10-0:14 : Dominant Female in middle; you can see her close color coordination to that non-dominant male from before. If you look closely, you can see the “gravid” spot on her…
0:40-0:43 : Females; if you look closely, they all have gravid spots. Their color is quite pale, is this normal?
The rest of the video shows the rest of the bunch. I was able to get this footage because I just dropped in some of the hikari micro wafers and it had sunk to the bottom. Those wafers smell real potent! Those guys go for ’em like trout to powerbait…
The really active one in the bunch (right bottom corner @ 2:08 ) came from the second batch (of 2) and came a couple days ago. You can notice it still has that “sunken” stomach look. Hopefully, he’ll fatten right up. The other one in that last batch is gone…I can’t find it because it already has fattened up and mixed in with the rest. :lol:
ParticipantWoah, those rainbows look amazing! I’ve never seen them around here. Since, most of the “exotics” ever really sold around here are cichlids (angelfish, discus, etc.) I’m just really lucky to have a specialized fish store near me.
I’m just worried I don’t have the correct plant material for the fish to spawn in. The only thing in my tank that I feel is of substance are the vals. But then, the vals aren’t very thick and the more dominant males have all moved into them. Whenever I walk into the room, they all hide in there and some never come out (or so I assume…).
Here’s a picture of the tank just 5 mins ago..
Does this look thick enough for the fry to survive?
P.S. – I’m getting a video uploaded so I can show you guys the fish better
ParticipantThe lotus DO block out the light. I had some kind of grassy plant, I don’t remember the name, but they became a weed that I didnt like. The lotus blocked out the light to the point the weed plant wouldn’t boom. So, I got rid of the plant and now it seems a little empty.
So the other day I brought some microswords in hope to fill that area. I can’t find any dwarf hairgrass anywhere here. They just aren’t as populous here in Oregon as other places.
I’ll try and post a picture later.
ParticipantAhh, now that makes better sense! Probably Infrared laser, some cameras have a visible light that accompanies it to prepare the subjects.
The thing is, I haven’t any experience of raising the more sensitive side of aquatics, so this will be a new experience.
They are lotus, I brought a bulb with two plants for $15. Turned out, when I removed the two plants and let the bulb sit in the bottom two new plants emerged. 4 plants for 15 bucks, not bad!
I took a video of these guys and posted it on youtube…
ParticipantCelestialdude, I totally agree! It is such a coincidence that they both have the blush gills! Their behaviors are alike too; quick, effortless movement with the current.
It’s great to have a tropical tank with fish that remind me of the cold northwest.
Before this, I was seriously considering joining a program where they allow students to raise trout/salmon fry from the egg stage. However, the costs was a huge factor (I had to have a water cooler, as the insides of a room are too warm for these babies). Someday I’ll hook up with this program, but now these CPDs will have to do.
Have you any erythromicron? They look even more like trout but with blue and yellow…
I took a video of them swimming around…
-David -