30C is a little high for most fish, isn’t it?
Not necessarily in my experience
My apartment is top floor and during the summer time we are boiling :lol:
Temp in my tanks reach 30-31’C. Since O2 levels get low during high temps I do add another power head or an extra air pump and I create a strong surface agitation and I keep the filters clean (meaning they are never clogged).
I kept Celestial Danios in a 180 litres without any problems. Not sure if they breed with such high temps but I did see males displaying fins to one another.
Also, since higher temps sink O2 levels it is of utmost importance to improve the tank’s cation exchange capacity by adding some Zeolite stone or simply dosing cation exchange fluid products like EasyNeo (aka Easy Life FFM) or even the newly improved Sera BioNitrivec.
Why? Well less O2 for the nitrifying bacteria can cause slight NH4 or even NO2 spikes and for that reason Zeolite can do miracles in binding NH4.
Regards, Dusko