Here is a update on my CPD breeding venture, I now have an unknown amount of fry 50+ some are 1/4 inch or longer my breeding tank is the glass from a fluval ebi kit 7.9 gallon it has some fine sand in the foreground this helped me collect the fry each day , I would lift the spawning mops off the bottom and the tiny fry beneath contrasted from the sand so I could collect them and place them in a breeding. net many times while collecting the fry I would also get eggs I got a good look at the fry in each stage of life. With only 1 pair of CPD I was collecting between 5-10 fry (non swimming ) each day the two CPD were removed when my breeding net was full of free swimming fry and now they have the planted tank to themselves they also seem to be growing better and feeding on natural inforza .
happy holidays to all the fishkeepers out there !