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ParticipantI just started fishkeeping last year so I have a collectoritis bug still. I am at my limit in terms of # of fish so no new fish in a while. My last new fish were the CPDs.
I only remember some scientific names on the top of my head, might have spelling errors
55 gallon heavily planted
18 rummynose tetras – Hemigrammus bleheri
16 cardinal tetras – Paracheirodon axelrodi
9 emperor tetras – Nematobrycon palmeri
6 bronze cories – Corydoras anaeus
6 burmese border loaches – Botia kubotai
19 pygmy cories – Cordoras pymaeus
6 pearl gouarmies – Trichogaster leeri
1 albino bristlenose pleco – Ancistrus sp.
2 true Siamese algae eaters
11 oto cats – Otocinclus sp.
(originally only had 6 but the other ones weren’t doing well in smaller tanks so I moved them to be in a bigger shoal, so now I have to supplement with veggies).
and a few amano and red cherry shrimps.20 gallon long
40+ asian rummynose fish – Sawbwa resplendens
3 peppered cories
2 panda cories10 gallon
1 burgundy male betta fish
2 guppy fry
a few red cherry shrimps10 gallon
1 oranda goldfish (about 3″ big right now)10 gallon
30+ red cherry shrimps10 gallon
6 celestial pearl danios
12 assorted bee shrimps5.5 gallon
2 white cloud minnows.I also had red wag platies and assorted guppies for a few months before I gave them away.
ParticipantThat’s very interesting. I noticed the same thing when I had livebearers (platies and guppies) as well.
Guppies are very easy to sex from an early age. Almost all my fry turned out to be females. In fact, I would see some male fry in the first few weeks, but over time they would start to disappear and the females would dominate. I say the adults eat them, and the female fry tend to bully them.
I also feel that they are at a physical disadvantage with smaller body size and fancy tail fins that really hampers their quickness in dodging and getting food.
Anyway enough about guppies
I hope the adult CPDs won’t eat any fry, male or not. I will try both specific breeding tank and the current tank and see what happens.
ParticipantAs promised I set up a new thread on the photo section here for some pictures I just took:
ParticipantThanks so much again bansart,
I’ll pick up a male CPD this week along with some fry food at the LFS.
I’ll see what happens then… if I see if I can get some fry. If there are and the adults are trying to snack on them, I can set up another grow out tank.
I’ll keep everyone updated, maybe start a photo journal.
ParticipantHey bansart,
Thanks so much for the info! I will try to lower the water level for a couple of days, then raise it back up as you have instructed.
I think I will get some fry food and that 1 male CPD. He’d be the luckiest CPD in the region… 6 females to 1 male.
Just another question: The adults don’t eat their own eggs or young do they?
ParticipantOh yeah I forgot to mention:
The water temperature is around 23-24 degrees celsius right now with a 50w submerisble heater. The ambient room temperature is around 18 degrees celsius.