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ParticipantA bit late on this but I’m looking for the same information.. In Victoria here and my local LFS barely ever has them and relies on the few and far breeders
Participant@isaisbreetai wrote:
I have used a similar product to cycle my tanks a couple of times, when I was “forced” to rescue toilet bound fish from people. What I find works best is to add the chemical to the tank before the fish and let it sit with filter running as long as possible (I would say at least an hour) then slowly acclimate the fish to the tank. I have almost no experiance with shrimp so I’m not sure how they will handle this.
Having said all this I do agree that the more you can add from an old tank (gravel, water, filter media) the better off you’ll be.
Good luck and let us know how it goesThanks- I’ll try it out!!!
Yeah, I’d use medium from another tank, but I don’t have access to anything. FML ;(
But I’m planning on buying my CPD’s & RCS in early December, so I’ve got time to look
ParticipantAhhkay, thanks Dennis!
On another note, I haven’t cycled my tank yet and I don’t have any other tank medium to use to speed up the process. I do have a bottle of Tetra SafeStart 250ml that was given to me though, which I’ve read a lot about with positive reviews- but the instructions say to place all the fish in the tank and use the entire bottle and that the cycle usually takes about 7 days.
The LFS that I’m buying my danio’s and shrimp from really aren’t all that close and I don’t want any to perish (not so much because of the distance or price, but mainly because I’d feel terrible if they did. But those are definitely factors, too), but do you think that I should try it out anyway?czitta
Participant@BallAquatics wrote:
Hi czitta, welcome to the forum!
I’ve kept CPD’s with dwarf shrimp in the past with very good success. Back when I had lots of shrimp, I would keep them in all of my fry grow-out tanks because they are great for cleaning up and don’t pose any threat to the fish. When keeping shrimp with adult CPD’s though, my CPD’s would eat most all of the baby shrimp.
Here in the states I sell most all of my CPD fry on-line. They are still rather pricey here and the sad state of most of the imported fish make “home grown” fish look stellar! I’m located in a rather rural area and don’t have any LFS to try and sell to. None of my local “big box” pet stores will buy from the local hobbyists.
With plenty of moss, you shouldn’t have any problems getting your fish to spawn. Size wise, your 3 fish in a 3 gallon tank matches up with my breeder set-ups… 5 fish in 5 gallon tanks.
Best of luck with you breeding project! Keep us posted.
Thanks Dennis!
You’ve definitely settled my nerves about the tank size!!!However, in regards to selling or not selling offspring, how d’you go about it? As in, what mode of transport do you use and how do you package them appropriately? How much would you suggest selling them for?
Thank you, again