Forum Replies Created
Participantyouve probably answered this question for me before but what size rad is it in there? also roughly how long is it on for?
Participantso you want to go with the first shop? which is the shop youve just had an interview with?
as you said its your life dont what you find best and good luck
Participanthi welcome
and good luck finding some
Participantgood luck with the cpds and will be good to know if more than 1 male is better than normall ratio’s (eg 1m to 2f etc)
my dad is fine with the insulation and building (my grandads a builder and he worked with him for 4 years when he got made redundant so he knows the basics)
which i could afford a house/get a mortgage as its so dear around here!
Participantgood luck with them.
what other fish are in the tank?
Participantcongrats with the eggs for the rams.
also as l777 will be good to try and find out the reason for the hatching rate being so low out of all those eggs. at least you can say you have breed them
my fish house
no idea yet my dad approves of the insulation but hasnt decided if i can have it yet so still waiting (dont want to be to pushy about it)
Participantcongrats with the cpd fry
are there any other unexpected fry since youve been back?
love the tanks and the photos are great! what camera you using?
love the first pictures of the 4 gal fw planted w/ shrimp looks really natural.
is this the tank your thinking of putting the cpd’s in?
Participant@TwinRay wrote:
ehm…now I have 15°C :roll:
room temp?
does it drop much at nights?how do they seem to be acting (if you have any)?
Participant@waterfaller1 wrote:
What I meant was, if they are endangered..then perhaps I should pick another type of fish. There are dozens of fish that stay small, some smaller than the CPD.
cool i see what your saying now. i didnt know there where many smaller than the cpd :shock: (i know of 1or 2)
in that case personaly i would go for captive breed if you where to come across them.
however me personally would probably still go for them.
the way i look at it is i look after my fish well (like most people on here). if i wernt to buy them some little kid might point them out liking the colours and wanting to put them in a small tank with out the proper care they need (like all fish) so they would be best in my tank and cared for well.hope all makes sense
Participantwhat do you mean by another fish? if you mean another species i would say yes but not to sure what i’d put in such a small tank with them.
if you go for another species then i would only put in 2 cpds + 2 of another small fish maybe another small rasbora?
but im sure the cpds (aswell as other rasboras) would prefer to be kept in a group of the same?
Participantmine are in about 70 degree f (21 degrees c)
but im sure theyt could go lower as they seem very active/happy
Participant@waterfaller1 wrote:
Should I get another fish?
The place I was going to get them says they are tank raised. I don’t think they would be happy breeding in such a small tank.
Would you like to see my tanks?how mnay do you have?
i know of someone who has breed them in a 8x8x12 nano planted tank
also yes post pictures. you probably best making a new topic in the correct section to get more feedback
Participanthi welcome
about stocking i think about what you have sounds ok as long as you keep on top of water changes.
when doing water changes if you plan to breed them make sure you dont touch the graevel as that is where the eggs egg up. when i do my water change i put a stocking on my hoover to make sure i dont suck any fry/eggs up.
as said mine only feed on live food however people i here feed them a ranges of foods (dry/live)
edit: just realised yours are tank breed so they might except dry/flake food but i’d supplement it with live to get there colours though
ive also resized the pictures so there not as big (so its easier to see the complete picture)
Participanthi and wlecome
the main difference is the colour. males are brightly coloured (above to pictures on top right and left are males)
females look alot duller.
depend on how long youve had them. (would have to be atleast 2 weeks to tell for sure)