Forum Replies Created
Participanti would say it was to small.
how long have you had them?
is the water heated?
any plants?
what do you feed them?mine (seems most the users on here are the same) were shy. mine have been really friendly recently. i have redone my tank and lost about 4/5th of the plants they all seem to be out in the open swimming about. if i move or put my head ot the tank they will stay there and a few come towards me now!
it take a little time as they have hardly been in contact with other humans!
btw welcome to the forum
Participantlooks good
thought i reconised your name somewhere.
how many cpd’s do you have?
Participantwelcome to the forum
looks good i want to do this but need more tanks/room!
are you from tropical fish forums? also do you have a planted tank?
Participantenjoy :wink:
Participantim going to ge this up and cycling then i will choose my fish (while its cycling)
yea i went of the planted idea but i keep looking at planted tank pictures making me want to switch back. ive never kept cichlids before so thought id go with them.i still want to do the fishhouse but dad isnt too sure still (hopefully he will and ill do it during next summer (gets dark quickly ive had about 30 mins tonight wher ei could see the bottam of the garden). ive got about 5 pages of my finial design (with prices, cutting list, insulation, pictures, lots of numbers, tank display, electric, air system etc, i had the prices from about 4 differnt companys for the wood etc) si i’ll keep them for next year (hopefully)
so hows yours? i see youve got more fry/fish
Participantso i should only have the one species in the tank?
i see where your coming from but tbh i would like at least 2 different types to add abit of difference. i also prefer the yellow labs more than the salousi.
so could í have the yellow labs + a different species?
sorry to be awkward but im trying to think of other was/more possabilites
i might not go for the Demasoni then. i would like to go for 3 different spieces but if its best not then i wont.
ugj – its not a undergravel filter. its a system of jets to produce water circulation around the bottam of the tank. therefore keeping the sand clean and water movement for the cichlids
im a member on the but the few questions ive asked have had very few replys.
also ive talked to my lfs and they said that i can exchange any of my cichlids for the same type (eg Demasoni to a different Demasoni) as long as its in good condition and i have a reson
i got back about 2 hours ago. i finished of my ugj system. cut all the egg crate/filter grid.tommorow im going to glue some sand onto the pipe work so it will blend in.
about the stocking and fish. i was told of another forum there were a good choice. whoever after thininking about what you said about the Labidochromis caeruleus and pseudotropheus salousi females interbreeding im going to go with your advice. (i dont want interbreeding at all).
i was told to aim for the 12 mark with 3 species so could i go for
Labidochromis caeruleus 2m+2f
Pseudotropheus demasoni
metriaclima callainos 1m+3f2 questions
1)would the above be ok?
2)what male to female ration should i aim for?thanks
Participantlighting is about 30w (i havent changed the bulbs for about 3 years! so it alot dimmer than normal)
Participantthanks people
ive already cycled the filter though?
it looks really empty in there! i want to get a few more in a months time (hope no no more die off (crosses fingers)
Participanthi thanks for the reply
my tank works out just under 50 us gallons? (40 uk)
i had a quick look at Ps. Demasoni just now but im going out in a second so will continue my research and finish the post
Participantnone of mine have names
i believe ste names all his fish (due to the fact he hasnt got many fish at all) so its easy for him to remember them all
Participanthave you tested your tap water yet?
might have some ammonia in it? if so keep the water changes down to about 25% unless its heavy stocked or a planted tank using high dosings of ferts
Participantgood luck
most be exciting not knowing who’s they are! you’ll be able to see in a few weeks time :wink:
Participantthis is probably not happening now!
not really missed the planted bit tbh (its only holding the fish with no plants) so i think ive lost interest in it.
however i do have another plan for the tank which i wont be revealing untill alot closer to the time. by the way it will include alot of aquascaping