Forum Replies Created
Participantmerry christmas and happy new year
yes its simular here atlantis dark when i go and dark when i get back
surpose i better update it then
the tanks doing very well at the moment
as i said i added some afra’s
these pics where taken a few hours after i added them. they look alot different now. all the fish seem to be getting on very well.
Participantyea the tank is brill. not sure if youve seen it but i bought a few more fish for it last weekend (the last 6) ammonia is staying at 0 so the bactinetts seem to be doing there job..
how the fish room? and yes i agree with internet carnt imagine how you oldies coped back in the ‘old days’
speak to you soon
Participanti know celestialdude posted a link to another forum with a list/pictures of plants from there habbitat.
carnt find it know but is a good link
Participantthe only news ive heard is that ste12000 has been missing for the last week or so.
thats basicly it. its been dead round here last few days
Participantthanks for the replies.
stocking is done know no more.
main reson is i havent got my second filter (the eheim ecco).
2nd i think there enough in there as there’s already 12. (6 of each)
3rd im probbly getting that other tank. so will need to improve the filtration alot more.ive been told on the cichlid forum they may not be Cynotilapia Afra ‘white Top’.
water stats have also been perfect. no amonia (like it should always be)
i done a 25% waterchange before adding the fish as the water they were kept in was around the 7.4ish mark, so i wanted to bring mine down a little.
Participantive just been to wildwoods and bought a few more fish.
before i set off i tested me water everything seems to be as i said i went to wildwoods andwas surprised to hear they keep them in tap water. (when i got home it was at around 7.2) they also feed them bloodworms which i thought was a nono. they also feed them cichlids pellets/flakes.
the fish i got are cynotilapia afra ‘white top’. i got 6.
they are a little bigger than my yellow lab. i have 2 which seem to be more coloured up than the females.will post pictures when i take them and get them uploaded
i can get on now!before it just wouldnt load. i left it on in another screen but didnt do anything just kept saying loading/opening (down the bottam) i left it on for about 40 mins before i closed the screen.
Participant@L168 wrote:
Hi Chris,
Try spinach, they will like that
Mfg peter
will add it top the list. thanks
ive read they eat carrot aswell?
@L777 wrote:
Chris, one thing I’ve noticed when cycling tanks is that many fish lose their appetite when the nitrite starts to pile up. For whatever reason, my experience with truly virgin tanks (not boosted with bacterial additions from commercial products or stable tanks) is that the nitrite readings take several weeks longer to decline than do the ammonia readings. Sorry if this is all stuff you know, but thought a reminder about loss of appetite might be useful to watch for in conjunction with your water tests.
will keep it in mind :wink:
dont want to say to much about the stuff im using but so far it seems good, except the little amount of ammonia.
im testing daily so should pick up on anything straight away.
@aquaholic85 wrote:
i feel mine exclusive New Life Spectrum, its a lil pricey but its worth it and the jar lasts few months. I feed mine once a day in the afternoon but you can do whatever.. cichlids really do seem to ‘sleep’…super the a.m. when you turn the lights out…so if you plan on feeding them am be sure give them bout 15 min with lights on b4 you feed them.
the lights come on at about 3 in the afternoon, i get home at about 4.30 ish and feed about 10 mins
later. i might feed a few pellets if im bored about an hour before lights out@aquaholic85 wrote:
you can go crazy feeding your fish frozen peas and veggies or what not..i’m not in too it, i have a life and being chef boyordee for my fish isn’t my thing.
i dont cook for my fish lool
i leave a pea or 2 out for a few mins so its defrost. i then cut it into small bits and drop in so technichly im not cooking anything (which is a good thing as im teraball at cooking)
@aquaholic85 wrote:
how many U.S. gallons is your tank? and dimensions of the tank? i don’t know my metric very well..
its 49.2 us gallons
its about 47x15x16 (l X w X h)
Participantthey still have bars on there body but there eyes seemed to have cleard up except one which has a little but not as much as before.
theve been feeding well.
day one – they had some pellets (a bit to big so had to buy some smaller) ones
day two – they had a pea with some pelltets
day three – pea’s again (2)
day four – planning on giving them some cucumber when i can get some.
is there any other food they would like aswell?the ammonia is just above 0ppm (but below 0.25ppm) the other stats have remained the same.
Participantits been going to well since i redone the tank!
ive got another cpd with dropsy! just moved him into a hospital tank.
im going to add melefix (double dose)
i carnt understand why they keep getting it. the test results are perfect. i havent changed any water in 2 weeks (theres only 6 in a tank just under which is around 65 litres, it has a filter designed for a tank around 100 litres.
ps this has just mad today even better :cry:
Participantdid the site go off for a second time?
as there was a period between my last post in this topic and now where i couldnt get on.
Participantseems faster to me! anybody else noticed it?
Participantnames chris im 18
i live in middlesex (Just outside of London – Englandive got a 185 litre cichlid tank
a tank with 6 adult cps (around 15 gallon i think)
a 5 gallon fry tank
about 4 spares if neededhave a koi pond (2000 gallon)
a gold fish pond (1000 gallon)a Cat
ive recently quilified as an electrician so work full time and i go to college 1 night a week for extra/further qualifications
will the labidochromis mix at all? i mean the yellows and the mbamba
i like the mbamba as well looks good in most the pics ive seen.
the slate
i gave it a rinse and a brush down while rinsing.the water stats
i tested again the results stayed the same except the ammonia which was down to 0! i done a 50% waterchange and after just before i put the fish in it was still reading 0!i tested the lfs water as soon as i got back the ph is identical to mine however there ammonia was reading between 0.25-0.5
thanks for all the help aswell -