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Participantive still got all my adults and 4 fry
but as ive said im going away soon and as much as i would love to raise them to parents its for there own good
maybe they were a little cheap but its been done and there going monday
and hopefully i’ll have alot more when my fish room getts sett up with about 9 1ft cubes dedicated for these
Participantcan i vote as i havent had any for a week and im starting to get worried :lol:
Participantwas going to add ‘still trying’ but forgot
and carnt be botherd to edit it
Participanti also wonder however i am guilty of it
i only eat fish when we get a takeaway at the fish and chip shop which is about once every few months
a good feeling when you see them!
and yes they are very fast for there size!
good luck with catching more
Participantwhat type of uv light are you talking about? if you can find a link it would help alot
it could be your choose of tube as to them growing well andf rotting
i beleive most lilaeopsis species are quite hard to keep and have fairly hight demands (might be wrong though as im not an expert on plants)
your right about the diopping it can only be done before the plants go into the water as once there in and the bugs spread the no stoping them unless you completly drain and wash everything (which you carnt do unless you have another tank to put the galaxy in while your tank cycles again!)
Participantpest’s i find the best way to get rid of pest snails etc is a bleach dip
use a ratio of 1:21 (1 bleach : 21 water)
1)get 2 buckets one with the bleach in and one with 3 times the recomended chlorine remover
2) dip plants into bleach solution for 30 seconds
3) rinse of uunder the tap then place them in the water with the chlorine remover.
4) empty the bleach soloution and fill with fresh water and 3 x the recomended chlorine remover
5) rinse plants under fresh water again and place in the new bucket of water
6)plant plants in tank
this is the way i do it and dont have any in my planted tank however some plants dont like this but most (95%) will be fine
there alot more to live plants than people think
do you know what type of plants you had (names)
do you have any co2 or dose ferts?
do you have any other substrte other than sand?
how much light do you have? (wattage and us gallons and ill work it out for you)
the easyest plant to grow is polysperma (carnt remember its first name but it begins with a h) will grow with little light levels and is not demanding
Participantmine were very timid for the first week but i a well planted tank the adapt fast
like most new fish they will be shy however considering they are (more than likely) wild the wouldnt of been in contact with humans before except at the shop’s etc
there colours will also get alot more intense then you will be able to tell your male’s and females apart
good luck
Participantjust sold 15 fry for £6 for a quick sale
just sold 15 for £6 (i know not alot but wanted rid before i go away)they sold within 2 minutes (yes 2 minutes)of me posting the advert!
if your interested in selling them then theres someone here from yorkshire who seems to be after some
Participant@katkin wrote:
Hi chr15-8, I think I’m up to 14 fry, but like you I’m hoping there won’t be anymore until later in the year. I’m still working out how I’m going to keep everything alive when I move in August! Hopefully I won’t need to worry too much about temperature.
Kif im honest with you when i redecorated my room i forgot to plug in the heater on both my adults and fry tank this was left like this for over 2 nights (3 days) and the adults slowed down abit (not swimming as much and not eating as much but they still eat) the fry didnt change and where fine darting about like normal couldnt tell on eating due to the size
anyway good luck with the move
Participantive got 19 but havent had any for a while and tbh i hope i dont have anymore as im going away for 3 weeks this summer and want to get rid of the fry before i go!
Participanti breed mine in a planted tank then move the fry into the fry tank. i think this is the way most people do it on here due to space etc it is also the easyiest way
so you could have a community of galaxy/Celestial Pearl Danio’s in a tank with a few plants heater filter and you should get some fry
this will probably sound comfusing if you dont understand the above i wouldnt bother reading below as it will make it harder!
theres a thread on here that says if you condition a male and female in a seperate tank for a week/few weeks (carnt remember exactly) so a male in his own tank and a female in her own tank)
after the 2 weeks are up put the male with the female and leave for a day(24 hours) and there should be eggs in there (however you probably wont see them unless you eye sight is perfect)
remove both parents into another tank and leave the eggs for a few days and there will be fry (aparently they can have upto 250 but i carnt say wheather its true or not as i havent done it yet)
when i get my fish house done i will be trying this
ste congrats on the rams does this mean your getting more tanks to shut the mrs up ? lol :lol:
Participant@mummymonkey wrote:
I used kingspan insulation. 3 layers on the walls and roof, 1 layer on the floor.
cheers do you have any other pictures during building it?
also what thickness insulation did you use and were did you find it cheapest?
Participantfry tank
i would say minimal equipmentheater, air filter/filter, no gravel maybe a few easy growing/low demanding plants maybe even fake so the fry can hide in
if its on show you might want some gravel to make it look nice but idealy as less as possable to help maintan it.