Forum Replies Created
Participantive just breed my 20th galaxy
my aunt asked if i wanted my others back so its now in with them however there getting to the size where a new born fry would make a nice snackso finger crossed my neon’s recover form the hospital tank so i can use that as well!
Participantsponge filter wouldbe great as it wont suck up any fry.
or you could use a small external filter with a bit of sponge over the intake
Participantwow they do look good and a good idea
however if you live in england like ste and katkin have said i would think that the cpd’s would of got washesd out in the rain weve had
Participantas said java moss most people onhere have it in there tanks.
also i find polysperma good as it grows very fast in low light (my tanks like a jungle now with almost all the floor covered)
theres a few articles here form pfk some background info here wouldnt put anymore in the current tank but when they go into the 10 gallon you could put another 5
the same happend to my baby guppies (the first fish i breed when i was about 14)
the heater was all i could point the finger at. the heater must of got stuck on as the water was really hot!
good luck with the remaining fry
ive only got 4 now!
which my auntie is looking after/having. i said she can look after them for abit (my cousins wanted to look after them (one 10 and ones
however im not sure what will happen to them (health wise and maintanace) so i might get them back soon as there going away next week on holiday
the other 15 went today and ill try and get him to sign up on here
Participantwell done
how long ago did you move the parents out of the tank?
ive always wanted killi fish but dont have the room(untill i build me fish house)
Participant@symmo wrote:
I have just found this great site as I was doing some research on breeding this great little fish.
I have just got a little tank for a bargain that I am hoping to use to start breeding, just wanted opinions on the size etc.
Its 15 litres and is going to be heavily planted.
I know that its small to start with so im thinking of stocking with 2 males and 4 females!
Do you guyz n galz think that this will be ok?And heres my 2nd question can I keep cherry shrimps with them?
I would like to put a couple in the tank to help with the algae.input would be great thanks
I have kept fish for a while but never bred any so this will be my first attempt so any help will gratefully be recievedSymmo
hi and welcome
stocking wise i think you’ll be fine with the 2 males and 4 females however i wouldnt put any more in.
cherry shrimp. i have seen that a few people have put shrimp in there tanks. however i dont as there is a possability that they could eat some of the eggs. however as i said it has worked before on this forum so i couldnt see it being a problem.
plants they like java moss to spawn in/around and you will find most people have java moss in there breeding tanks
hope it helps
Participanti’d be tempted to leave the brine shrimp in the tank (adult) as im sure they will get use to them and start to eat them.
and if you do a weekly water change they shouldnt pollute the water in my opinion
however i dont do a water change on my tankas them seem very happy (and breeding)
good luck
Participant@plymbloke wrote:
well i have only tried bloodworm once, live. the pencil fish ate a few but nothing from celestials. i didnt put too much in as i find if the fish dont eat bloodworm then they bury in the sand and actually hatch. Yes brine shrimp live in saltwater but usually stay alive long enough in freshwater.
tell me about it
thought they would be alright without thinking what they turn into about a week later (i bought the big bloodworm and they were to big) guess what
they hatched and a i had about 15-20 bits on my arm (my tanks in my bedroom and my door is alway shut at night so i learned from that mistake.
when you put the adult brine shrimp in did you leave them in there or take them out?
Participantwell im sure brine shrimp need to live in salt water to survive (might be wrong though) however you will always see bloodworm due to the colour
is it frozen or live bloodworm?
Participantare you sure there getting thinner?
have you tried daphina?
also can you see any of the bloodworn/brine shrimp left?
are they near anything that could set of vibrations like speakers?
what about kids, dog ,cat?
Participantjust a few questions
are there any tnak mates in there (any another species)?
do you have any type of plants in there?
how big is your tank?i havent tried to feed mine any other food except live brine shrimp (not baby brine shrimp)
Participant@plymbloke wrote:
Ive got what i think are 3 males and 3 females (that share a tank with a baby golden pencilfish lol) half the tank is covered in what i can only describe as grass and the other half has cabomba and jave moss. I’ve had the fish for approx 2months now and they dont seem to be doing anything at all. Are they really as easy as people say they are to breed?
they where for me and others – i dont do nothing special for them either except feed llive food each day
to get more answers you are probably best of creating a new thread in the breeidng section
however if you look through a few threads you might be able to pick up a few tips
Participant@atlantis_child wrote:
@chr15_8 wrote:
can i vote as i havent had any for a week and im starting to get worried :lol:
Yeah, yeah. You just had to say something didn’t you. :roll:
Where is a cyber smack smilie when you need it?
mm i carnt seem to find it either!