Forum Replies Created
Participanti would feed it a drop of liquifry about an hour maybe 2 hours before the daily water change.
1) does the tank have any type of filter in it? (or water movent eg airstone)
2)what do you change the water with(do you use water from your other tanks and how much water do you change?chris
Participantyea i did read that after posting
carnt remeber how much he wanted but it comes with the suckers and ties(i know you can probably pick them up cheap) but its all there
also the nearest hobby shop is about 30 mins from me (that i know of)
actually i off to america soon so might have to get some of the same thats used it the link
Participantdo you mean these?
if you do i dont think they would get along due to the size difference as that website says it can grow to 10cm where as cpd’s reach about 2.5 cm. so i woulld assume the cpd’s would be food giant danio
Participanti feed my adults on
adult brine shrimp – 6 times a week
a couple of drops of liquifri no.1 – once a weekfry
liquifry no.1 – 6 drops a day
baby brine shrimp – 2 times a week
daphina – i put a bag in from the lfs and they seem to have breed (so most of the baby daphina gets eaten but some make it threw and have babies etc) this has been working for about 3 weeksmaking this a sticky as it gets asked a few times and is helpfull for new cpd owners
Participantas katkin said
they wopuld have more chance in the breeding tank however they dont have stomach’s so theyll need food asap
also i feed mine on liquifry (no.1)
2nd person today
Participantcongrats and good luck with raising and breeding them
Participant@atlantis_child wrote:
@mattw88 wrote:
i have yet to breed these beautiful fish. i have wild caught CPD, will this make it any more difficult to breed them??
no sign of breeding behavior at all. i think the fact that the fish store i got them off gave me 11, but 7/8 are male!
99% + of galaxies sold are wild caught, so there’s a good chance they are. But people here and elsewhere have gotten theirs to breed just fine despite that.
as atlantis_child said most are wild caught
im alost 100% sure mine are however thers no way of telling unless you ask the shop you got them from
ive breed well over 25 and other members have also breed alot more than that so it is possable
how long have you had them?
Participant@ste12000 wrote:
where r u off to Chris?? Have you found anyone to mind the remaining fish?
im going to america for just short of 3 weeks
will be doing my fish house when i get back hopefully as the weather is bad and i want to treat the wood further so i get no rotting
will have to be my aunt looking after them and ill have to hope for the best
Participanti assume by ‘desirable’ you mean colouration as you talk about it in your post
if it is i think proper breeders will hand select ones they breed due to wanting the best fish
however i carnt see one less ‘desirable’ cpd in my tank they all look amazing (except the females due to less colour) however none have any deformations and alkl look great
so to sum it up i think they should be aloud as it has obviously happend in nature so why not?
ps hope it makes sensechr15_8
Participantjust found another 6 fry
looks like im going to have to keep them over my holiday and hope my aunt looks after them properly
the first breed ones are now getting bigish and can see spots on them however no colour yet.
bad new for the other 15
they all died we beleive it was due to stress and change in water as they were only young (it was about an hour drive)chris
edit: add another one to that so its now 7
Participanthard to tell
but i would imagine its fine but would wait to see what others say
i would also like to now as ive been planing a java moss carpet but havent found any mesh before
great find
Participanthow big are they?
how long have you had them?
as they take a while to get there colours though due to ajusting to the light levels i presume also stress of being moved etcchr15_8
Participanti personaly would not add any fish to a breeding tank in you wish to spawn and raise in the same tank.
if you look at ste’s video he removes the breeding couple and moves them into another tank.
mine where very shy at the start but have became alot more friendly over the last month
today before i feed my cpd’s i put my hand on the glass and one came over followed by another and just looked at me (took about 3/4 months) its the first time they have done it
as the plants have reached almost full hieght of the tank they have started to explore more of the tank at the top (again took them about 3/4 months)