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  • in reply to: Combining CPDs and D. erythromicron #13959

    @ballpc wrote:

    I was re-reading this today and thought you might be interested. Down on page 9 it goes into how much alike these two fish are.

    It even suggests that Microrasbora erythromicrom be renamed Celestichthys erythromicrom.


    Thanks for the paper.
    I did a Google search this evening, and found out some more info.

    They are apparently sister species, and two new papers have been published recently. One in 2008:

    And the second, just published this year:
    Unfortunately, I can’t access the full paper, but reports are that both species are now formally in Danio.

    So, 3 names in 3 years.:shock: Isn’t taxonomy fun :roll: At least Danio is easier to spell than Celestichthys.

    I now have a copy of Fang et al 2009, so let me know if you want a PDF.


    in reply to: CDPs Eating Cherry Red Shrimp? #13954

    I have 10 CPD in a 20H tank with both wild-type Neocaradina and American Glass Shrimp (AGS), and I have not seen any predation. The CPDs were added at the beginning of February along with 3 Dario dario (scarlet badis) and a male betta. The AGS have been breeding with most offspring being eaten, but some surviving. I seem to have fewer of the Neos, but that may be from some other factor (overfeeding, White Body disease?). My CPDs hardly ever feed off the substrate or at the surface, and only seem to take food that’s floating in the water column. They don’t even seem to notice the shrimp.


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