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Hi GOOSE_SP2, welcome to the forum!
I think a 30 litre species tank with CPD’s is a great idea. I keep my breeders in unheated 5.5 gallon, (21 litre) tanks and they are happy enough that they supply me with plenty of fry.
I set-up the tanks with neutral water in the 6.8-7.2 pH range. I like to keep the TDS around 160 ppm, (fairly soft). I use a small sponge filter with just slight water movement and give them a good sized portion of moss to play in, (about 25% of the tank volume). For fish, I usually put 5 or 6 in these little tanks. Don’t overfeed and do weekly water changes and you’ll have a great little set-up.
Keep us posted on your progress!
BallAquaticsParticipant@Riftlaw88 wrote:
What would you do in my place if you had this problem?
Well that’s a tough one.
If tank size permits, I’d probably add 8 other small danios. D. tinwini or D. nigrofasciatus would both be good choices. They are both small at around 1.5 inches, they are both out going by nature but not to the point of being rowdy like many other danios.
Danio nigrofasciatus (Dwarf Spotted Danio / Cheetah Danio)
Danio tinwini (Gold Ring Danio / Bago Danio / Burma Danio)
BallAquaticsParticipantHi Riftlaw88, welcome to the forum!
It sounds like you need some dither-fish for your dither-fish. CPD’s are normally very timid. Sometimes, if you provide them with enough cover they will feel safer and become a bit bolder…. sometimes.
BallAquaticsParticipantIt is likely that they will, but that’s not always the case. If the adults are well fed and the fry have places to hide some might make it through.
BallAquaticsParticipantI’ve never used the bacteria in a bottle before so I can’t offer any recommendation there.
I will say however, it has been my experience that fresh water dwarf shrimp do much better in a mature tank rather than a new set-up. They spend most of their time grazing on micro fauna growing in the tank, and this just isn’t present in a new set-up.
Back to the cycle… These days I really don’t cycle new tanks anymore. I just rob some materials from other tanks, fill with 50% old tank water, a handful of plants, and a sponge filter from an existing set-up and I’m good to go.
BallAquaticsParticipant@czitta wrote:
However, in regards to selling or not selling offspring, how d’you go about it? As in, what mode of transport do you use and how do you package them appropriately? How much would you suggest selling them for?
I stared out selling to hobbyists around the online fish forums, it seems there is always someone interested in CPD’s and not able to get them in their area. I also offer them at my local fish club functions, (, and list auctions on
I ship my fish using Priority Mail here in the states. It’s a great service that gets your post delivered in 2 to 3 days. I can only remember a few time that it’s taken 3 days for deliver though. I put the fish in Kordon Breathable bags and line the boxes with 1″ styrofoam insulation. If the weather is hot or cold, I’ll put cool or heat packs in the box as well.
As for pricing, the market will usually determine what they are worth. While they are not hard to spawn, they are more difficult than other danios to raise in quantity. I believe this is keeping the price up on these fish. They have never been available in my local area. Just for reference here’s a few online sellers prices.
BallAquaticsParticipantHi czitta, welcome to the forum!
I’ve kept CPD’s with dwarf shrimp in the past with very good success. Back when I had lots of shrimp, I would keep them in all of my fry grow-out tanks because they are great for cleaning up and don’t pose any threat to the fish. When keeping shrimp with adult CPD’s though, my CPD’s would eat most all of the baby shrimp.
Here in the states I sell most all of my CPD fry on-line. They are still rather pricey here and the sad state of most of the imported fish make “home grown” fish look stellar! I’m located in a rather rural area and don’t have any LFS to try and sell to. None of my local “big box” pet stores will buy from the local hobbyists.
With plenty of moss, you shouldn’t have any problems getting your fish to spawn. Size wise, your 3 fish in a 3 gallon tank matches up with my breeder set-ups… 5 fish in 5 gallon tanks.
Best of luck with you breeding project! Keep us posted.
BallAquaticsParticipantHi Kim,
Glad to hear that they are improving daily!
As a breeder, I like to feed lots of live foods, but I also use prepared food. I get all my food from Ken over at I feed golden pearls, shrimp sticks, algae wafers and on rare occasions crushed color flake. It seems to me that my CPD’s prefer to feed at or near the bottom of the tank, so I feed foods that will sink to that level.
BallAquaticsParticipantHi kimberlyg01, welcome to the forum.
Sorry to hear you are having problems with your CPD’s. Since the water change had a good effect on them I’d continue with that for the next week or so. I think plenty of fresh clean water is the most important thing in fish keeping followed closely by feeding the best food we can obtain.
BallAquaticsParticipantHi Sven, welcome to the forum! Sorry to hear about your fry loss.
Your description is basically how I raise my fry too. I feed green water, (infusoria), for about a week to 10 days then start them on micro worms & 5-50 micro golden pearls. After the second week or so, I start doing water changes and start feeding BBS. I keep aged water in storage and do large, (50% – 80%), water changes daily or every other day, it depends on how many fry are in the tank.
Sounds like you did everything right… did you do any water testing to see what the parameters were?
Also, I’ve kept fry in shrimp tanks where planaria were present without any problems.
BallAquaticsParticipantIf everything is new, the same rules that apply to aquariums would apply with outdoor tubs too. I generally throw in a bunch of plants and the fish go right in….. can’t remember the last time I “cycled” a tank or a garden tub for that matter.
Best of luck with your project!
BallAquaticsParticipantAll of my experience with CPD’s that have sunken bellies, is related to newly purchased wild caught fish. I always assumed they had a rough journey, and feed lots of live foods until they filled out.
BallAquaticsParticipantVery interesting… thanks for posting the photos and the info! Keep us posted as to your progress.
BallAquaticsParticipantHi cliffy, welcome to the forum!
Well when U Tin Win of the Hein Aquarium visited the site where they were collecting CPD’s, the water tested at a pH of 7.3 and the conductivity of 250 microS/cm. 250 microS/cm = roughly 160.25 ppm, fairly soft water.
That said, I’ve kept them under a wide range of water parameters and temperatures with great success. Mine seem to be the happiest in cooler water, room temperature un-heated tanks, and with the pH close to neutral, (6.8-7.2 pH).
BallAquaticsParticipantHi Tom. It was basically a security thing. It had been so long since the software had been updated it wasn’t possible to update to a current version without altering the looks of the site. The underlying info is all the same though – it migrated from the old to the new without a hitch!
I’m hoping to be able to spend some time working on the visual aspect of things in the near future. Any suggestions for improvements or additions to the site would be welcomed and greatly appreciated.
While there may not be a lot of new activity in the forum, the site is still a valued point of interest on the WEB. In the first 6 months of this year we have almost 300,000 hits from close to 20,000 unique visitors.