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Participantyour fish are super stressed right now, apply adequate salt if you havn’t already and go easey with full lights right away, on/off gonna freak them out being so bright.
the barring shows their stress or horrible bloodline, hopefully stress. The bar going through the eye is mostly stress and found, in my experience: the ones with bars ended being males, but the may not be ‘fact’.any way give them a few days to settle in and they should color up. have you decided on any other tank mates? tri and stay way from yellow/orange fish and nothing to aggressive. labs are prob. the least agressive mbuna, so find something who wont bully and out grow them.
jus remember not get to excited and add a bunch fish right away. let the tank work up its bio-load with the labs, and so on with each group of fish you buy.
overstocking a lil bit wit mbuna is good and keeps territorial disputes low, jus always be ready to pull out a bully fish, as that is the only way to protect your investment.. you can call it.. at the end
ParticipantMelanochromis in general i found are very aggressive and wouldn’t put them in your tank they need some ‘space’ as they can get pretty crazy. I would go with the mbamba in stead, plus they look alot cooler.
your tank looks good, in the future your gonnna need to make bigger caves, as your fish grow. also remember that your fish will breed so, either get some sort of syno, catfish to reduce the fry population when that time comes, or be perpared to fish out the fry. trust me when i first started to get fry thought it was the coolest, but if you don’t control them than your tank will be overstocked and soon will be pulling out your hair.
question did you rinse the slate super good? slate is all layered rock and lots of dirt gets in there.
so good luck and get us some pics
personally never have that kept Neolamprologus multifasciatus , but i would never mix the two, and just would never mix mbuna or shelldwellers in the same tank…maybe labs but thats it. Mbuna are crazy diggers and just would reign hell on the shellies, esp with size difference. Neolamprologus multifasciatus only grow max 2in so no way would be able to contend against the constant harrassment of mbuna.shellies breed tho, and whats nice some are pairing fish,
ste you ever keep african cichlids?aquaholic85
Participantdude jus remember your gonna move out in a few years. trust me and i’m sure many others, moving fish from one place to another is no cheerful task, and find a place to keep all them fish is another task,
So do as you wish, but just giving you a heads up…………can’t live in the nest forever bud….but a that size tank would be a fun project..great for malawis…just be sure to house fish compatible wit eachother. try and pick one that goes with your aqua scaping (i.e. rock dwellers, open water). when you get something set up snap some shots and post em’
good luck
Participantsure dude, labs, and by the way i told you some wrong info. Peacocks are from lake malawi like mbuna, you can try an all male peacock with some labs, it’s gonna look bad ass
Participantchris i would go with the solousi, with your size tank, your still gonna have the blue and yellow look, i would stay away from the zebras, merticall whatever it is. they end up being sort of aggressive and can become quite large. if you want to go with a thrid fish, find an OB type, calicoish colors.
L777 at first i did have the algae problem and it was super pain to deal with. I feed my fish once day and limit the light to just a few hours, when i get home till i go to bed. I also have a BN pleco and she does a pretty good job with the algea. Idk if my water is to hard or light isn’t strong enough but have had no algea problems for months. so try decrease the light and limit feedings once a day.
Participantwell one thing is, you can do what ever, but an under gravel filter is gonna end up being a pain, because these cichlids dig, jus like the rest of them. the egg crate is a good idea and all but fish aren’t going to move the rocks, some ppl. like the crate but if you stack your rocks in away that the gravel isn’t supporting tottally don’t even bother. get your foundation rocks close to the bottom glass and you should be fine. the thing with demasoni is that you either go with one or a dozen or more, see these fish are very tettorial and if you have less than a dozen or so they are gonna kill each other off. i kno so take my word for it. i have like 20 or so and they are doing good. 12 sounds like a bit to much, but it’s a general guide line for these fish. Demasoni and labs are very very very hard to sex at young ages so obtaining m/f ratio is difficult. labs ratio doesn’t really matter but later on with the demasoni you may need to weed out some of exta males.
you can try something else besides mbuna tho, shell dwellers, stay small and are coolest lil fish and they stay mostly to the bottom and your size tank would be great for them. most mbuna get pretty large so you need to think long term and not cute lil baby fish.
if your gonna stick with mbuna with your tank, i would jus go with demasoni and labs maybe 12 demasoni and 4-6 labs. or go with a variety of diff. fish and research the size of grown adults.
breeding fish is cool and all but sometimes you need to set up a tank for yourself and just enjoy it. an all male peacock tank is popular but they are a tangynikan fish, or however you spell it,telling ya go to and see whats up, plenty of advice and all info you need. but look into that shell dwellers, they have quite interesting behavior. so loose the UG filter and good luck.
any more questions jus post
Participantwell as far as the crooked back goes i may have an answer, Neon Tetra Disease,, found here, i do keep my cpd with neons, so it is possible…
ParticipantHey Chris nice to see a fellow munba keeper, any way i do have a suggestion about your tank..
Labidochromis caeruleus and pseudotropheus salousi are both awesome fish, but putting in the same tank isn’t gonna work to well see salousi females are just as yellow at the caeruleus and things can get all messed up with interbreeding. salousi are great for species tanks though if you are going with the blue and yellow look do as i did. Ps. Demasoni and your yellow labs. though a 40g tank is small for any cichlid. be sure to do your research. soulsi alone will be fine in your 40g maybe a group of 12 would be good be sure not to over stock. Your cichlids WILL BREED in time as i know. so plan on controling your stock and avoid species that will interbreed. go to for more info.. if you have any questions don’t hesitate to leave msg…aquaholic85
ParticipantOnce I named a balloon mollie xena for the big chest lol, back when that show was popular. I mostly like species tanks and only a few you can pick out.
naming fish is like making friends in day there zippin around the next could be disaster. :cry: don’t get too attached.
but ya’ll can do what you will, what ever floats your boat.
jus don’t expect your fish to be making up names for you ok :wink:aquaholic85
Participanttry out zebra danios, the colored ones, yellow, blue, reddish, and i think goldish too we have over here,
Norman Lamp eyes are cool fish
throw some cherry shrimp in there
you could get away with some mollies
badis def cool
emerald tetras, bleeding hearts,go to your lfs and see what they have, if you have any motivation make a list of what ya like and let us kno what they have, thats prob. your best bet unless you buy online.
Participantlil gal dint make it, i have one wild left from a group of three from last year and she seems the healthiest in the tank s for the rest are tankbred. odd only one fish would get it……
ParticipantLooks Awesome, question tho, where did you find those tanks? did you make them yourself? from what i can gather it looks like a large tank with permanet dividers.
Please let us know how to obtain these little tanks so we can get more fish!!
Participantthats what makes us addicted to keeping aquariums, always trial and error. Plus, excuse to go to the LFS and get some goodies, even tho you don’t really need nothing. my LFS has CPD’s for 7 dollars, and all supply i could want….jus to rub it in on everyone..hehe..[/size%;”>color]
Participantyea Dude i hear what your saying bout the snails, i have mostly fake plants in my tank, my fish don’t know the difference and plus i hope i won’t be inthis apt much longer so i want to be settled before i start a planting project. And the Shrimps def. would be weary bout them. they are pure scavengers, vultures of the aquarium floor, and eat whatever is ‘fresh or decaying’. But shrimps are def cool and add that unique touch.
Dude whats your m/f ratio in your breeding tanks, i plan using a 10G?
thanks, ryan