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Participantyes my man dropsy seems to be it..forgot i had thid website in my FAVS list looks like my roommate is gonna be a fish less…
the fish is most certainlty at the ‘pine-cone’ stage…..hate to say it but should the fish just be put out of its misiery?? my lazy roommate won’t do any treatments for it…he’ll say and prob right cheaper just to buy another fish.thanks for the diagnosis
ParticipantI have a 20 gallon with cpds, neons, an oto, and few RCS. If i had poor water wouldn’t my RCS be dying off first?? As filter goes i have a cascade 200 and keep my temp around 79F. No i don’t use any salt in my cpd tank cuz i have plants and don’t think the fish would be into the saltiness.. I only use salt in my African Cichlid tank. I do water changes every 2-3 weeks.
I used the melafix treatment in my spare 10g that i’m bout to dismantle..I applied with a dose every day for a week and din’t do a thing. when i reintroduced the fish back to the community tank it started going bonkers..swmming crazy flashing off the glass, substrate and ornaments, and within two days it croked. So I don’t know whats going on.
I love the RCS but i put them in my tanks sort of as a ‘Canary’ and warn when things aren’t good.
I use Eco-complete plant substrate that i’m starting to be come un-fond of because it seems to trap debris .HELP ME OUT PEOPLE.
-RyanWhere has STE been??
ParticipantDamn passed aWAY last night it sucks..besides water changes what are other ways i can improve my water quality and/or remove parasites?
i tried the melafix for a few days and it didn’t seem to do any good. So what would you do in my case?
Others pls. reply and wheres steve been?
Participantsometimes i get so fed up that i jus wont check the site out for few days; of course today i had no prob. but yea forever to load and when it says ‘done’ nothing on page
Participantyou work at a fish shop right??? why not just use your discount and buy and products that you know are safe and healthy… the only way i would take something outta the pond if it was my koi pond for example…you don’t know what is in that pond…ppl. can be dumping oil and other house hold products in there and you wanna feed to your fish???
good luck and feed at your own risk…we’re jus giving you our opinions and a good heads up…but by all means do whatever ya like..
use caution
Participantif you decide to go for a new tank..take a look at some bowfront style..they look pretty sharp.. Here in the US the can be a little pricey but are worth it
Participantjus rub it in why don’t ya…..haha congrats badguy what were your conditions like?
ParticipantWhats up with this tank bro?? when we gonna see some more pics?? My demasoni are starting to over populate my tank…gonna have to fish some out looks like…
Participantagreed…………….go mess with some minnows from the bait store if you wanna experiment
ParticipantAwesome …i wish this forum had more hobbysts with planted tanks so we can all discuss within our little nook of the web…but i guess that would be what the planted forums are for….
as far as intiation goes…you will be offical when your plants start to swarm your tank and clipping them will be essential…thats when you know you have succeeded… :wink:
November 19, 2007 at 4:55 pm in reply to: Danio pictures from Glenn – lots of pictures warning #12993aquaholic85
Participantdamn dude how do you do it…? how many cpds do you have in there..looks like quite a few.
Question do you feed them primarily the shrimp pellets or are they mostly used for bait when it’s picture time??
other than that man bad ass work…you should send some photos in to a fish magazine so all hobbyists can see your work and hopefully ‘get into’ keeping CPDS.
good luck
ps. by the way what camera do you use..i know you prob posted already..but what the heck let us know again..thanksaquaholic85
ParticipantI guess depends on what you plan on doing with the fry and your breeding hobby…try and seperate the ‘runts’ and put them in a small tank or even a breeder net..let them ‘catch up’ with some undivided attention.
maybe you can breed a even dwarf speices…not that these fish aren’t small enough..but hey if you have the time and supplies to do so then why not.
or if you don’t cull or seperate them then jus let them be…survival of the fittest..if they should survive and thrive with the rest of the group then why worry about their genetics if they live…
ParticipantHey L777 Eggspots are only a myth when refuring to mbuna. Both sexes can have them…some may and some may not have them. Don’t let anyone tell you different. Many people believe this egg spot deal but don’t go by it.
Chris fish are looking good..can’t wait to seem them colored up. how many did you get by the way? Just be sure to let the fish you have in there now to hang out for a month if you decide to add more. I know you prob. wanna stock your tank right away but i don’t recommend it.
Your fish need time to settle.If you do end up having territtorial issues when adding more fish change the territories up (i.e. rearrange some rocks) things should work itself out. Eventuallty you could add some BN Plecs if you have algea build up…my fish don’t bother the plec at all.
SO good luck and post some more pics. we wanna some overall pics too.
Participantwhat the heck is ‘fish stick’ ?
Participanti feel mine exclusive New Life Spectrum, its a lil pricey but its worth it and the jar lasts few months. I feed mine once a day in the afternoon but you can do whatever.. cichlids really do seem to ‘sleep’…super the a.m. when you turn the lights out…so if you plan on feeding them am be sure give them bout 15 min with lights on b4 you feed them.
you can go crazy feeding your fish frozen peas and veggies or what not..i’m not in too it, i have a life and being chef boyordee for my fish isn’t my thing.
how many U.S. gallons is your tank? and dimensions of the tank? i don’t know my metric very well..