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Participantsome fish just have it better then some humans…that 180 is prob. bigger than my apt. in relation to the size of puffer and the tank..Oh well
HA ha..hey Crazed have you been to taht bad ass store in Patchouge? i think it’s inthat town..or right next to it..pretty awesome store…called reef something maybe?? i don’t remember the name i had a friend that live in patchouge and i could spend all day in taht store.
ParticipantHey Crazed i work out there quite frequently..though don’t get to visit all the good shops while at vans have gps on them…so no side trips…anyway try he located in Lyndhurst i believe..he generally has CPDs and if not can prob. get them quite easily…
Here NJ i found one store that gets them in from a local breeder.
how come you don’t have any?? do you have other tanks goings?? i’m planning on starting up a small reef tank and i kno LI has some good reef shops so may have to take a trip out there on my own.
Take it easy
Participanthey Crazed where abouts in NY
Participantis this an esablished tank? even though its so big you may not have enough bacteria in there to deal with 200 of these, shrimp pellets..wafer type foods. if they’re hungry enough they’ll swim up there. what is the foot print of your tank??
good luck and i wanna see some photos for sure..
are you in UK? i’m in the US and know only one place to get 200 CPDS and it happens to be a local guy. where did you find yours?have fun
ParticipantAgreed with altaaffe…veggies are good for everything….personally i haven’t given my cichlids any veggies, you can also use frozen veggies to jus thaw them out some.
Yeah def. licked your not gonna want to seem the go..and end up keeping them…these fish are addictive and once ya get different speices/colors of mnuba in that tank your hooked.
if they doubled you shuold bring them back to the store to be sold even a 22 is going to be small for twenty fish, maybe a long would do for now..zebras tend to be somewhat aggressive, males will start doin there circle jerk and going after the timid fish. Though if you do keep them you will have to weed some out and of course much bigger tank.
altaaffe what kinds of cichlids to you keep?
Participanthow are these lil ones doin? I know they grow fast…so best to get them in a bigger tank.
Participantexotic finds is about 40 mins max from where i live…but the ones for 165 are young fish and probably not able to be sexed yet…you can see the larger ones are more money…buti wish you luck and let me know how ya make out..
Participantwell then you should be ok keep water parameters..
go to this link. Its an auction on Aqua bid for a trio of these and look at the price…tell me what you think now. these fish are worth your wild..cuz they gonna cost ya.
Participanti spoke to some people and everyone is cold to ship fish and breeder taking some time off.
You need to understand these fish are expensive and i would recomend having prior breeding experience under your belt before you drop the cash on these fish. it would be ashame if you bought these and they died because of poor tank conditions or they didn’t breed because your stll new at the hobby(don’t know if you are)
so think over it…fish cost around 400 a pop..i know i would never spend that money on sucker fish..only a marine fish i could spend that money.
Participantwhere bouts in nj
Participant gonna give an arm and a leg no matter where you find them…. where are you located? i can find them here in NJ but i would have to talk to some sources of mine…but def. possible
Participantwhat you are refering to as ‘mature’ simply means a cycled filter with biological goodies in it.. What i mean by this is the ‘matured’ filter has benefical bacteria that will help make the water more stable and helping to decrease spiking of water parameters..though this filter should be in an esatblish tank where it can build the bacteria..and to be on the safe size let sit in the main tank for atleast a month..
it will take a good time if you put it in a bare tank and try and essentially cycle the can do this adding tiny amounts of food and maybe some fish or shrimp to build up some waste..all to feed teh bacteria..Though maybe what you are refereing to as ‘mature’ may also mean that the filter has organisms that can feed your baby fish. either way you slice’s a good idea to have a cycled filter in a bare tank.
good luck
Participantno special foods are really required a good quality cichlid pellet or flake will be fine..pellets will sink and the lil guys will pick at the pellets as they break down..i tend to stay away from frozen foods for my cichlids though you can put blanched lettuce once in awhile…
Personally only feed my cichlids New Life Spectrum..they have variety of diffeerent could even go with growth formula or just plain cichlid forumla is what i use…
good luckaquaholic85
ParticipantAtlantis how many of these cichlids do you have??
you need to make sure you make your mind up whether your going to keep these beauts or not.. 5 gallon is pretty small even for a grow out tank for mnuba, if you only plan on growing them out and bringing them back to the store then rocks and gravel aren’t really a must if they are small…you could add some pvc pipe maybe for some hiding spots and maybe some old plastic plants if you have any around…just to give the lil guys a sense of security…ph should be ok…if you want you could ad some agronite to the filter system to bump up the ph but these fish are very adaptable and 7.5 should be ok for now…just try and not go any lower..let me know what you think..and i’ll help you out with any questions
take care
Participantcutting off the head of your fish atlantis, whats up wit that? i guess you like to do dirty work huh?? freakn’ nasty..i was thinkng more of the lines of super cold water to shock the fish and it will just pass out or simply flush em.. i think cuttn’ heads is lil extreme…you could simply tap it on the head with a spoon and bingo bamo lights out…
well room mates fish died and tahts the end of that…i havn’t had any CPDS hav dropys or are calling them DM’s?? anyway thansk people