What to Pair With

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  • #10911

    I have 4 CPDs in a 5g tank at the moment, but I am going to move them to a new 29g tank and add 6 more for a group of 10. I am looking for a good species to pair them with that will school and swim higher than the CPDs. I was considering emerald dwarf rasborae or neon green rasborae but after reading this fourm it sounds like they will mix. Does anyone have other suggestions? Mainly I want something that is comparbly sized, is not in the red/orange color spectrum, and swims mid-top.


    Note: other denizens will be Otos, Shrimp, Kuhli Loaches, and potentially a Honey Gourami.


    Hi and welcome to the forum!

    There are several other small Danios that would work well with your CPD’s.

    The Dwarf Spotted Danio (Danio nigrofasciatus)…..

    The Gold Ring Danio (Danio tinwini)…..

    The Panther Danio (Danio aesculapii)…..


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