what other tanks do you have?

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  • #10263

    just wondering what other tanks people have except there galaxy/pearl danio tanks.

    i have a 45 uk gallon (about 200 litres) planted tank with
    40 neon tetra
    5 kuhli loaches
    2 peper corys
    1 yoyo loach
    4 ottos
    3 flying foxes
    5 amano shrimp
    8 red cherry shrimp



    I have a 5 gallon (US) unheated tank with:

    1 betta
    3 white clouds
    2 cory catfish


    I have:
    20 long Reef
    several types of mushroom corals
    toadstool coral
    green sinularia coral
    hermit crabs
    green star coral
    various zoa corals
    1 peppermint shrimp

    75 gallon#1-heavily planted
    1 blue acara
    8 praecox rainbowfish
    4 siamese algae eaters
    1 florida flag fish
    1 rubberlip pleco
    1 yoyo loach
    1 angelicus botia

    75 gallon #2-sparsely planted
    10 Honduran Red points and soon to be more fry<- hard on plants!
    2 black swordtails (soon to be moved outside)

    29 gallon-planted
    2 cory catfish
    1 unusually large ghost shrimp

    10 gallon#1-heavily planted
    endler’s livebearers
    cherry shrimp
    ramshorn snails

    10 gallon#2planted
    2 female ct bettas
    cherry shrimp

    2 male bettas in temporary housing until their tubs outside are ready
    1 kiddie pool outside with 4 bluefin killifish and endler’s livebearers
    2- 35 gallon tubs which will house rainbows and swordtails
    2 -20 gallon tubs which will house bettas and CPD
    I am also planning to put cherry shrimp in some of these tubs.


    :shock: Wow…Aquaseafoam. Looking after all those sounds like a full time job to me. :)


    75 gal lake malawi
    2 p. socolofi
    5 n. venestus
    5 c. afra cobue
    looking to add more

    20 long
    growout of 20 p. demasoni

    20 high
    breeding pair of n. brichardi

    10 planted
    5 harlequin rasboras
    1 fancy guppy and a bunch of feeder quality

    10 hex planted
    6 celestial pearl danios

    30 reef
    2 ocallaris clowns
    1 bangaii cardinal
    1 sixline wrasse
    1 mandarin goby
    frogspawn, hammer, bubble, pocillapora, zooanthids, xenia, watermelon mushrooms, other stuff.

    does the pond count? it has 3 koi, 2 shubunkin, and 9 comets.

    oh yea, fluffy the snapping turtle is in a 75 gal too!


    Pictures of my tanks:


    and some occupants:

    first aqua-40:

    and some occupants:

    second aqua-40:

    and some occupants:

    rekord 60 tank:

    and some occupants:

    aqua-65 tank:

    with the fourty young CPD’s:


    beautiful pictures!
    All I can say is wow!
    is that a badis badis before the killifish?


    Oh my goodness… these are some really awesome photos. And I mean AWESOME!!! Thanks Glenn, for sharing them!!!


    Glenn, I am so jealous! Those pics put my tanks to shame.

    I have a trigon 190 community tank, which has just been thrown into chaos as my neighbour dumped a red tailed black shark on me (it was a case of take it or he’d flush it!)
    Also home to;
    6 dwarf gouramis,
    4 albino cories
    2 ottos (soon to add more)
    3 zipper loach
    1 dwarf chain loach
    3 guppies

    2x15G planted tanks housing my cpd’s and 2 ottos. One has loads of java moss, fern, anubias with 3 male and 4 female’s, these are the ones producing babies so far.
    The other tank has 2 clown killies and 11 cpd’s, I don’t know the ratio of m/f

    When I get a stand, all the cpd’s will be moving into their new home which is a 4 foot tank.
    I am considering putting them all in the java tank for now and using the other 15G for fry, but as I only seem to have one baby at the moment, it might be a bit lost in there!


    Thank you all for the fine compliments!!

    Aquaseafoam the fish is indeed a male Badis badis bengalis (now better known as Dario dario):

    but the other fish is not a killi one but a female Tateurndina ocelicauda(i don’t know the english name):

    a few months ago i had 4 Killifish: Nothobranchius rachovii:

    one of the most coloured fish i’ve ever had.


    19l RCS
    28l Trinidad guppies
    14l boraras micros.


    Just got a new tank and moved my 4 Celestial Pearl Danios there. It’s a Waterhome 20 gallon, got a great deal on it and it’s a complete kit. I highly recommend this tank kit.

    It’s got lake beach sand as substrate – fine enough to be “sticky” and gentle for plant roots but coarse enough to sink and stay put.

    5 neon blue rainbows
    4 celestial pearl danios
    3 german blue rams
    1 male guppy
    1 cory cat
    1 golden apple snail

    Marsh pennywort
    Moss ball (Cladophora aegagropila)
    Hygrophila polysperma
    Microsorum pteropus
    Rotala rotundifolia

    Lighting: 15W Aqua-Glo by Hagen / Aquaristic


    40 gallon..Amazon community

    6 Red turk Discus (including 1 pair)
    8 corydoras sterbai
    4 corydoras panda
    2 wild rams (breeding pair)
    2 Twig catfish..Farlowella vittata

    25 Gallon amazon community (Breeding stock)


    2 breeding pairs of bristlenose plecs
    1 apistgramma agassiz
    8 Columbian tetra
    16 rummynose tetras
    18 neon,wild green and cardinal tetras
    4 galaxy rasboras (celestial pearl danios)
    3 golden pencilfish
    10 endlers guppys
    5 undescribed tetras..sold in the shop as black diamond tetras(i cannot find any photos on the net of this fish, Definatly next breeding project

    20 gallon grow out tank
    Empty at the minute just got rid of last batch of fry.

    15 gallon dwarf cichlid tank
    1 pair of Nannacara Anomala (not yet spawned but only been in the tank 3-4 weeks

    15 litre breeding tank

    50 pencilfish fry two weeks old

    Darkmoon Bettas

    At least in the U.S., the most frequently-used common name for your Tateurndina ocellicauda is “peacock gudgeon”, although they’re also called “peacock goby”, “rainbow gudgeon”, and “eye-spotted sleeper”. (GORGEOUS photos, by the way. Just stunning!)


    3 weeks ago i ‘ve started a new tank: rio 240

    2 weeks ago:


    some fish in the new tank:

    corydoras melini:

    achirus achirus:

    corydoras trilineatus:

    corydoras similis:

    corydoras sterbai:

    corydoras arcuatus:

    nannostomus marginatus:

    i’ve put the 16 wildcapture cpd’s from the aqua-40 into the rio 240, and they aren’t shy anymore! i think when you’ve shy cpd’s , a bigger tank with lots of other fishes is the answer(i think)

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