What do the eggs look like?

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    Well the subject heading says it all really. What do they look like. There is something in my tank and I’m not sure if it eggs or not.

    Please help me out here with a description (and not a comparison to another danio or other fish’s eggs unless you got pictures)

    Please, please reply.


    Yes, if anybody has pictures of the eggs, that would be a big help. I’m guessing they’re really good at hiding their eggs… from predators yes, but unfortunately, from the paparazzi too!


    anyone have any pictures yet or at least seen them?

    i just hooked out a few fry so i was really looking hard and saws omething on the glass.

    basicly theres about 4 lines. 1 has about 6 eggs, 2 has about 11 eggs, 3 has about 7 eggs and 4 on has 3 eggs

    they are really small about 1mm round and im 99% sure they are not snails as they lay in a patch in a gel where as these are singles layerd

    i tried taking a photo but there to small and my photography skills arnt good enough

    hope someone can help/suggest



    I actually removed a few eggs the other day as they spawned right in the front of the tank. The eggs are actually alot larger then I expected they would be and look quite similar in size to mose danio species.


    Alright, first person in history to photograph and publish the eggs wins a prize.

    The prize: being the first person in history to photograph and publish the eggs of a newly discovered fish species!!


    So, to those of you that see eggs:

    what do they look like (other than being really small)? What color? Silvery, like an air bubble? Opaque? White? Can you see the fry inside?

    More details, please, please, please! :)


    @celestialdude wrote:

    Alright, first person in history to photograph and publish the eggs wins a prize.

    The prize: being the first person in history to photograph and publish the eggs of a newly discovered fish species!!

    Yes, and big, huge Thank You from everyone trying to breed these beauties…


    they are maybe 1 mm or slightly bigger (just a rough guess) and clear like a crystal ball


    Okay, I think I may have eggs. There’s several clusters around the tank, some around stems, under leaves and even on the front glass. Now I suspect that some of these may be snail eggs as they are not completely clear (slightly opaque) But others are completely clear clusters, no colour, in fact they look like tiny groups of water droplets and very hard to focus on.
    Does anyone know how long they take to hatch?
    Cheers and fingers crossed I may have babies in the next few days.


    Hey katkin, the opaque eggs might just be unfertilized eggs.
    Sounds promising. Hope you get babies. :)


    they so not lay them in clusters.. those would be snail eggs.. they are egg scatterers and the eggs will be individial in amongst the tank. most likely they will fall to the bottom as they are not sticky as far as I have found


    @madattiver wrote:

    they so not lay them in clusters.. those would be snail eggs.. they are egg scatterers and the eggs will be individial in amongst the tank. most likely they will fall to the bottom as they are not sticky as far as I have found

    well, the smallest ‘cluster’ of eggs has dissapeared and I’ve found 4 fry swimming about! I’m keeping an eye on the other ‘clusters’ and have managed to scoop some out and put them in a breeding box so I can see just what they are!

    I’m just pleased I’ve finally got some fry.


    congratulations…….but omg! am i the only one who cant get these fish to breed? where am i going wrong. i’ve lowered the temp even more. it was 25 when i got them, then read on here 24 is better, we’re now down to 23C. i decided that since they are from a lake that they may not like the bubbly filter and airstone, so i’ve turned the airstone off. they have java moss and loads of plants and not 1 single fry :cry: any ideas what i else i need to do? btw, ammonia and nitrite are zero and nitrate 5-10. 10 galaxies in a 28 gal so way understocked hence low nitrate. they should be at it like rabbits!! :shock:


    According to what I’ve heard, snail eggs (at least apple snails eggs ) are laid above water level anyways


    It turns out they were snail eggs, just happened to coincide with me finding fry! I now have a billion snails to get rid of!

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