Treating Ich in CPDs

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    I had a LFS order me 10 cpds…they all appeared healthy and active when i got them on sunday, but now one of them is starting to come down with ich :(.

    I was wondering if CPDs could stand the old fashioned temp raise to 86F, or if i would have to treat them with any of the various treatments…and which one would be least harmful to them


    I’ve kept some in the lower 80’s during the summer months as my fish room is not air conditioned, but I don’t know that I’ve ever kept any at 86F or above. The area they come from in Myanmar, has summer time temperatures around 95F. Given that they live in shallow, swamp like pools, I would assume that the water temperature must get into the mid 80’s at times.

    I’m very tempted to go warm some up as this is a very intriguing question.



    im almost tempted to try it….but im not 100% sure about it. ive had great luck w/ angels, apistos, and a few other s.american fish.


    I’ve got some in the fish room warming up. Currently at 85F. I’m shooting for 86 – 88. I’ll let you know how they work out tomorrow night.

    At 85F, they appear to be doing just fine. The 10 gallon tank contains 11 month old breeders, 2 males 4 females.



    sounds good :D


    They are very small fish and will quickly sucumb to white spot. You need to treat with a good chemical treatment or I would guess that you will lose them.


    Well it’s been almost 24 hours…

    I’m happy to report that after spending the last 24 hours at temperatures between 87F & 88F, (my heater varies that much), the CPD’s are all doing fine.

    Just a short while ago I fed them a shrimp stick and they attacked it in the usual manner.

    I didn’t notice any change other than slightly quicker movement, probably do to the higher metabolism at the warmer temperatures. They stayed in the lower 1/3 of the tank as usual and did not appear to be distressed at all.

    I will be very interested to hear the out come of your battle with ick.

    Best of luck!



    the temps been at 86-87F , and the CPDs are looking just fine. Thank god i caught it early, ive been doing daily water changes to reduce the # of tomonts/theronts floating around in there….ive yet to see another trophant form on another one of my fish since friday night.

    Gonna keep the temp up till next sunday just to be on the safe side.

    I did drop in an air stone just to be on the safe side though, and it confused the CPDs for a bit, they tried to eat the bubbles a few times :p


    Thanks for the update… we’re all pulling for your little gems to get better!



    treatment needs to last 14 days to kill the life cycle completely. Nice to hear your through the worst :D


    well, i havent seen a single white spot on my cpds since i last posted…

    so i lowered the temp back down to 72-73F and they seem much happier now.

    so…let it be known that they can be successfully treated w/ a temp. raise and daily water changes :D.

    now i just need to get them into condition to spawn…

    it seems perfect though (from what i can tell) ive got 4 males and 6 females :D


    Thanks for the follow-up information. Very nice to hear that your CPD’s are doing well now.

    I normally set them up for spawning using 2 males and 4 females, so you’ve got a great mix to work with.

    Best of luck with your breeding project!


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