Thick-lipped gourami and CPDs?

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    I have a 33 gallons tank with ideal water conditions for CPDs, heavily planted, that already houses 7 cories and a thick-lipped gourami. He has lived with tetras and have never shown any agressivity toward them, nor toward the cories, he’s a big loner, and sp I have hope that I could put a large school of CPDs in the tank with him. Do you think it would be a good idea? Anyone had bad experiences with gouramis and CPDs?


    I have no experience of this fish but I personally wouldn’ t risk putting a big shoal in there. cpds are timid fish. If you want to try I’d get a shoal of 5-6 and see how they go.


    What I have read they should be fine they have the same temperament they are even from myanmar. Except when they are territorial when breeding as long as breeding behavior is not triggered in the a thick-lipped gourami they should be fine. But I agree with Tom I wouldn’t add too many at once

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