suitable tank mates?

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    i have been planning a tank which i will soon be setting up. it was originally going to be a biotope, but ive changed my mind as the missus keeps moaning about me spending so much money setting up a tank and not wanting many fish in it.

    its still going to be a very natural tank, consisting of plants and fish from southeast asia, and decor based on a southeast asian river. my main shoal of fish will be golden barbs, and i’ll also have at least one SAE in there.

    i was just wondering if i could happily keep a shoal of CPD in there as my small shoal, or if my other fish would be a bit too active and make them timid?



    Nice sounding tank in the making. Personally I would not keep the two species together.CPDs are naturally timid fish but are gorgeous! I am biased but I would keep a large shoal of CPDs over golden barbs any day of the year. The answer to your problem is simple. Get your wife a tank of her own. :wink:

    Let us know how you get on


    i know what you mean, but the idea for the tank came from my a golden barb i rescued from an abandoned flat over a year ago. he was left for about 5 months with no filter, light, heater or food! so now i just want the best for him. if they were found in nature i’d go all out with the biotope.

    i’ve already told her she can set up my old tank, maybe i’ll convince her to set it up as a CPD only tank!

    she’s a bit of a sucker for all the obvious fish though, she just wants it colourful and pretty, but maybe CPD’s will do the trick


    CPDs are great for the smaller tank. I have five adults breeding regularly in a 40litre cube style tank. I now have around 7 youngsters of various sizes growing on and I’m hoping to move them into a larger tank to breed them further. They are certainly worth a tank all to themselves

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