Substrate or not?

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    I kept them barebottom for some time now but most of the time…the food debris sit on the plants or on the floor and just collect

    Also want to put some shrimp in there to eat the leftover food as they don’t eat them…would the shrimp eat them..

    I am wondering if i can use substrate (fluval stratum) in my breeder tank too….so the eggs can drop in the gravel and the parent are not able to eat the eggs… would this work?

    i don’t wan to use a divider …haven’t got any fry laterly


    @hmoobthor wrote:

    Also want to put some shrimp in there to eat the leftover food as they don’t eat them…would the shrimp eat them..

    I’ve kept both shrimp and marble crayfish in fry tanks with good success. They do a very good job of cleaning up leftovers.

    @hmoobthor wrote:

    I am wondering if i can use substrate (fluval stratum) in my breeder tank too….so the eggs can drop in the gravel and the parent are not able to eat the eggs… would this work?

    It’s been several years now since I stopped using bare bottom tanks. While it’s easier to clean up in a bare bottom, I think the fry find lots to eat in the way of micro fauna with gravel substrate.



    maybe i am lazy or something cause i find it hard to clean in a barebttom tank and weekly takes a toll…

    I just want to add a small amount of fluval stratum…( don’t have much left maybe enough for a half inch..) to it and add shrimps to help clean up leftover

    So I will just need to do weekly wc and i will be fine……and hope it increase my chance of spawn/fry and get the divider out of the way in the tank.

    will do this this week


    I’m thinking about switching to bare bottom on my breeding and grow out tank. I have some java moss in both and I’m thinking about putting it in something like a small mug with some gravel to make cleaning easier

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