Starting over…

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    I got the little beauties! 5 male, 5 female. Still young but already have good coloration.

    The first girl that wanted to help I asked if she could sex them and she said, “Uh…I’ve been working here two days.”

    Well everyone has to start somewhere, but I asked for the busy, but experienced dude, with whom I had a chat with about the galaxies. Asked if I knew about a “Michael,” who he said was the first to breed them in N. America. Well no, but I mentioned the PDF and this here forum. ;)

    It’s a good store, not personable at all, but it’s Heaven for fish lovers. Imagine all the cichlids you can, all the rainbowfish, danios, tetra, barbs etc. They are all so freaking beautiful!!! All the different sorts of bettas, and females as gorgeous as an average pretty male too.
    They have saltwater fish too, but I’m not really a fan.

    Bought some frozen glassworms. There was more choice there, than at my store, but still limited. No live either as well. Oh well, more stinking up the basement with the smell of brine… :roll:

    – Atlantis


    Yay awesum!!! That’s 10 CPDs you’ve got there!! Hope they like their new home and hope the breeding goes well!!!


    Yeah, it will a while though. They’re half the size of a adult, maybe a bit bigger. Very active and seem to enjoy their new ‘jungle’

    I love these fish already. They’re darlings. :wink:

    – Atlantis


    Steve, thanks for the separated sexes and bushy-nose advice from the master’s experience! Good stuff to know.

    Atlantis, glad to hear you’re back in CPDs again!! :D :D


    Ha ha… Took out the jungle of fake plants to clean the icky bottom only to find most of my little galaxies had got through the divider. Took out everything, cleaned as much as possible without starting over with the cycle and put some long hornwort strands with a rock on each to keep them down. Bare bottom.

    They seem to like it, though don’t stay much in the plants. The little guys are all over the place, not shy at all.

    Need to get more hornwort. I took that bunch from the platy tank.

    Guess that means 3 of 3 of my tanks are real plant only. :roll:

    That make you happy live plant cult members?

    – Atlantis


    Haha YES live plants!!!


    Your conversion was inevitable… :twisted: :D

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