Right iv been lagging behind everyone else and had my Cpd’s for six months without trying to spawn them. I set up a tank especialy for them three days ago and within 48 hours i had spawning action.
The fish are the only ones in the tank 18x12x12 (35litres),6 females and 4 males, it is well planted with java moss and artificial Woolen mops. I also have a peice of bogwood dropping the Ph to 6.5,my tapwater is naturally very soft and temp was 82f.
I was tempted to remove the parents but it would cause to much disruption to the tank so ill take a risk and leave them with the eggs and see what happens.
Nice! She got double teamed! :lol: Where did you get those artificial woolen mops from? I had a load of Java Moss but chucked it because it clogged my filter, and was pretty bad quality.