I changed my 20 gallon long from a slate and some ‘grass’ look to fine gravel and a mix of rocks of all sizes and colors. Smoth though. Nice plants too. Not meshed together really, but pleasently planted It’s mostly for my Corys.
It’s got:
– 1 seriously big and round Peppered Catfish
– 1 Bronze Catfish
– 1 ‘Gold Green’ Catfish that follows and is always hanging out with the Bronze
– 3 Corydoras hastatus
– 4 Corydoras pygmaeus
I call the big guys my “Cats” and all those pygmys my “Kittens.”
Also got my 4 neon tetra and 3 white clouds in there, but they mostly hang out by the filter outflow.
I ordered 5 more ‘Pygmy Catfish’ (i died soon after arrival) after taking all 5 hastatus home. (2 died right away), but they turned out to be a different type. The place we order the fish from sucks at giving the right names of fish, and nothing latin whatsoever. :roll:
All the pygmys are darn cute though, and swim out in the middle often, in the pygmy style.
Wish I had a camera last night when all 2 of the cory hastatus were sitting on a smoth rock in a perfect row in my direction. Cute! Cute!! Cute!!!
Pictures ASAP I promise. 
– Atlantis