On the name of this fish…

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    It would take a lot of brainwashing to get me to call these pretty fish celestrial pearl danios. Not only is it a mouthful, but the name ‘galaxy’ seems to have stuck with other people too (fish stores, breeder etc.) Call that CPD name and hardly anyone would have

    Now the Galaxy was obviously not a Rasbora. Silly dude whoever made that mistake. :roll: but nothing at all wrong with “Galaxy Danio,” besides Celestrial Pearl Danio sounds too much like “Pearl Danio.”

    But if they really wanted to go with the whole ‘celestrial pearl’ thing, how about “Celestrial Pearled Danio,: cuz duh, it’s not like these fish have one spot on them. At least mine don’t. :D Never tries to count how many, but I’m pretty sure there’s more than one…

    Besides…Pearls are whiteish, not gold. Now that I know for sure!

    Anyway, that’s my pet (fish) peeve on this subject.

    – Atlantis Child


    i also call them galaxy but its never going to change so we might aswell get use to it.

    when you sell them sell them under both names :wink:



    Besides…Pearls are whiteish, not gold. Now that I know for sure!

    Ha ha… that’s why they’re “celestial” pearls!


    Hi all,

    It dosent realy worry me what they are called, main thing is to keep them and breed them and look at them everyday with dreamy eyes :shock:

    Mfg Peter



    I propose we rename it Dreamy Pearly Danio.


    @celestialdude wrote:

    Besides…Pearls are whiteish, not gold. Now that I know for sure!

    Ha ha… that’s why they’re “celestial” pearls!

    Oh great. Now somebody thinks there’s oysters making pearls up in space. :roll: And gold pearls no less!

    – Atlantis Child


    Well, there’s the Pearly Gates… up in the celestial realms… there’s your cheesy connection, sorry but I couldn’t help point it out…

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