Newby Question
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- This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 17 years, 6 months ago by
September 11, 2007 at 7:55 pm #10377
ok, first of all: im a complete beginner, never kept fish (or rather water) before.
Basically my question is: would this set up be ok?
I am planning (my tank is still cycling) to have 1 male betta splendens, 4-5 otocincli and maybe ca. 7 CPDs in my tank once its ready.
it is a rena, 50litres (thats 11 imperial gallons, ca. 13 US gallons), internal filter, once its ready for the fish ph will be around 6.8, temp: 26°C, dont know gh and kh yet, it contains a big piece of mopani wood, a big mask, 2 amazon swords, anacharis and lugwigia repens. It has a jungle theme so there s plenty of hiding places (though the repens might be a bit too densly planted to swim through).
The aquatic stores I asked of cause said it would be fine, however, I would like to confirm that with people who actually know CPDs quite well.
I wouldnt want to put fish into my tank if the environment doesnt suit them .
Sound maybe silly but I’d really like to keep happy fish.
I’m just a little concerned that the temperature is a little high for them etc.would be great if someone could give me some advise on whether the tank set up would be suitable or not!
September 11, 2007 at 8:06 pm #12141L168
From the name i think your from germany, as for you tank id place Hornwart (Hornkraut) as a swimming plant in there too, the temp id have at around 24°C.
Personally id leave out the Beta Splendins but thats my point of view and put 10 rather than 7 CPDs in your aquarium.
Mfg Peter
September 11, 2007 at 11:38 pm #12143ste12000
ParticipantHi Seekuh,
You have come to the right place for good advice,our members are very knowageable.
Firstly let me say you do not sound like a beginner,you must of really researched your fishkeeping because i know people who have kept fish for years and still do not know Fish/plant species.Well done.
Are you sure you want CPd’s or can you wait a year or so, i say this because, as you might know the Celestial Pearl danio has been completely overfished in their wild habitat and should wherever possible be bred in captivity, i would start your hobby with something a bit more common like Glowlight danios(Danio choprae) I recommend these to everyone because they are the best brightest most colourful danio around and also fairly easy to breed.. Ideal beginners fish.
As far as the Betta go’s i do not really have any experience with them so cannot say for sure, your other fish should get along fine with them and will cause him no harm….
I say go for it, you have the makings of a great tank..September 12, 2007 at 1:44 pm #12146seekuh
Participantthanks for the replies
yeah, i read those articles as well about CPD’s being overfished and hardly any more being caught.
I have however also read an later article about several places found with CPD’s.
hope the link works!Glowlight danio? oh that’s the choprai one isnt it?
yeah I was thinking of that one as well, one q though: how colourful are they in the tank? The reason why I thought of CPD’s was because they seem to be rather colourful, but i’ll take your advise and either go with the choprai if they are ok (or leave mid dwellers out completly)!As to Hornworth- my lighting level isnt good enough for that at the mo.
I have a light problem at the moment. its not enough (15W)
I have ordered a T5 24W which I will install this coming weekend.
Is 24W enough for it?
Oh, and the aquatic stores around here dont sell it eitherAs to betta splendens- tahts the main fish :wink:
And yeah, I am from germany. I am living in the UK though at the moment.
And yes, I researched fish and fishkeeping before i started out. I started planning and researching 2 months ahead, hehe.
thanks again for your replies, they have been very helpful!
Malu[/url]September 12, 2007 at 5:35 pm #12147ste12000
ParticipantThe celestials are very colourful but they are well known for hiding in smaller tanks. I hardly ever see mine in a 35litre but when they were in a 140litre community they were very active and always out. The glowlight danios however are constantly swimming and add a lot of movement and action to your tank. The choice is all yours. I keep both and find the choprai a lot more active….
September 12, 2007 at 6:53 pm #12148atlantis_child
ParticipantI too recomend getting other fish before getting Galaxies. I bought mine before I knew better about the habitat destruction and over catching.
Now I feel obliged to get these cuties to breed.
Unless you have experience with fish breeding and/or can get domestic bred ones I’d stay away from getting Galaxies.
There are definatly other fish that are really pretty and have less of an ethical burden.
Personally I recomend getting a small school of neon tetra. Not only are they bright, but they are more active and not shy at all, unlike Galaxies which can be. I have 5 of these in my community tank and love watching them frisk about. They’re mostly mid-level, but swim everywhere. Especially at feeding time
– Atlantis
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