Newbie..found 3 of these fish by accident at my LFS yesterda

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    Hello all. I have a 5 gal bowfront heavily planted freshwater aquarium with, until yesterday, two otos and half a dozen cherry shrimp. Then yesterday I stumbled upon these fish at my LFS. The employee claimed they were captive bred but they are incredibly skittish. However they are beautiful, I turned the tank light on this afternoon for the first time and think I got 3 females. I’m not exactly sure how to sex them but they all have clear anal? fins (the ones on the bottom closest their tail). Does this mean female??

    They spend most of their time near the substrate and will not come to the top to eat. I am feeding them just there something else they are supposed to be eating? Maybe I am not feeding them the right food. They are very lively though and one has claimed the front corner of the tank where the baby vals are as hers and is very frusterated trying to keep the other two out lol

    Also I can’t find much online regarding the proper temperature, I have my tank at about 75-77F, is this ok for these fish??


    Your temp is OK and you sound as though you’ve got the identification sorted.

    Mine have plake as their staple and chopped bloodworm, baby brineshrimp eggs & live whiteworm as treats


    Mine were real skittish the first few days I had them. Once they got used the routines they don’t hide anymore.


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