Sorry to hear you lost three. How new is your tank? It looks nice in the picture but not mature. CPDs like a mature tank with settled conditions. You really need to get the back and sides covered as well as the stress alone can cause them to stop feeding/get ill etc. I’m sure you’ll get there. Even with three they will breed (as long as you have both sexes…obviously :lol: ) so don’t dispair. My group of five is now up to twelve from breeding them and thats in just a few months. BUT you must get the tank settled. Java moss is perfect try to track down a big clump of that
So, I haven’t had a a loss in a while now, also my friend gave me 3 CPD’s for free, all males though. would that be fine? 5 males, 1 female. Hopefully they fare fine. I also got some water lettuce (mini type) to cover the top portion of my tank, so I guess that would help a lot.