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    Hello all, I am new to the forum. Also, Im new to keeping CPD’s. I just got a group of 6 CPD’s I’m acclimating it right now. They are going to be in a 5.5 gallon planted tank. I’m looking forward to this great forum.



    Welcome!! A nice number to get you started…they’ll soon be mature and spawning! Got five in a similar sized tank and I have nine young now and thats keeping them with the parents…who love to eat the eggs and tiny fry. This site use to be VERY active but is now quite sleepy but lots of people check in and quite a few are VERY good at breeding these fish so just ask away and your question will normally be answered. Also well worth trawling through all of the threads as some superb info on here.


    Thanks! The CPD’s I got were breeding size, which made me really excited since soon enough, I might have some frys in my tank. Hopefully, I could get the CPD’s to breed. I only have an otocinclus in the tank with the group, which makes my chances higher of having frys. I still need to research on how to breed these fish though, but I’m learning.


    Hi John, welcome to the forum! These are the perfect fish for your 5 gallon planted tank. :D

    Good luck with your breeding project.



    Lots of plants….fine leaves and jave moss are great. Stable parameters and a good variety of fine foods and they’ll do the business no problems!


    apparently, 2 CPD’s went missing when I got back from school.. Hm, What should be the cause? Are they jumpers? I’m kind of upset since I literally just lost 7 dollars. They were acting normally earlier before I left for school though. I fed them with crushed flake food and they all ate. Hopefully the ones I have now are going to live. *fingers crossed*


    Is it an open tank? They might have jumped but that would suggest things aren’t right with your tank/water. How long has it been set up? Is the filter mature?

    Are you sure they aren’t hiding as they are good at it.


    It’s been set-up for 2 months. It is an open tank, rimless. I’ve been looking for them for like 15 minutes, no sign of the 2. They were both females, so I only have 2 pairs now. The filter is mature


    I saw the 5th CPD earlier, now, I’m wondering where the 6th one is, they are really good at hiding!


    probably both still alive. Give them a couple of weeks to settle. Good water changes and good food and they should be fine. I never have open tanks with any species as I’ve lost quite a few fish in the past to jumping


    Alright then, I have crushed up flakes right now, but I ordered some sample feeds, and I’m getting no card micro pellets, arctic copepods, golden pearls, and spirulina flakes. Hope those foods are good for the CPD’s. Using the spirulina as a treat and for the otocinclus. I do 50% water change every week since I follow this fertilizer dosing, is that a bad thing for the CPD’s or would it be fine?

    This is my tank before putting in the CPD, minor changes were made.



    They really need more cover. I’d get some backing on the back and sides of the tank ASAP as they are shy at the best of times and will be very stressed in a tank with all sides open. Very nice looking tank though.


    I thought I lost my apex male several times because they can hide so well. They are very skittish, a guy bought some from me and put them in an unplanted tank in a high traffic area and all died except 1


    Since I’ve grown on a few youngsters I’ve noticed that my original five are becoming much more confident so definitely confidence in numbers for these guys. For what its worth my CPD tank is in a quiet room and the back and sides are darker which they seem to love


    I’m down with 3 CPD’s. I lost soo much money… :(
    My friend is sending me some Water lettuce to cover part of the surface, so I maybe good after that. (fingers crossed)

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