New to CPD with questions

Welcome to the website! Forums The Celestial Pearl Danio Habitat New to CPD with questions

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    Hi All,

    New to CPD but not to fish in general. Just discovered these fish online and am trying to plan out a set up for them (and then try to find some, most likely online as truly doubt they are anyplace here in Tucson, Az)

    I’ve got an Fluval Edge tank (6g) I’m trying to set up along with a 6.6g Petco Bookshelf tank (I do have larger tanks but thinking these fish are on the small side so would look lost in a 29g).

    Wondering what would be an ideal number if I were to set them up in one or both of those small tanks. Would be the only fish, perhaps a dwarf catfish, and I’m looking into some java moss (only plants I have now are Java Ferns).

    Reading the forum to get ideas on what others have done and if it is feasible to use a smaller tank with these guys. Floor space is limited due to the other tanks I’ve got set up, so trying to work with what I have.

    Thanks for any thoughts & suggestions


    Hi and welcome

    They really are gorgeous fish and easy to breed. An edge would be perfet for five adults and if well planted they will breed and you will probably get a few fry. I would however be VERY tempted to get a large shoal for your 29 gallon as again, if planted well, they will breed and before long you are likely to have a nice big shoal bred by yourself!


    Hi Tom2006

    Thanks for dropping a note. The Edge won’t be seriously planted due to the odd lighting it has. The plans are for some java ferns, bamboo and an anubias at this point, at least in the current incarnation of the Edge.

    Mainly due to financial constrictions I am thinking small as far as a shoal goes. At approx $6 a pop per fish, as much as I’d like a tankful, that can only happen if I’d get lucky at keeping/breeding them.

    My 6.6g Bookshelf tank, currently with the 2 sm tiger barbs and dwarf catfish has a better chance of turning into a planted tank, better lighting and access to the tank (the Edge, while really nifty has a small entry access).

    I’m searching for the fish locally and that way even if they are $6 a pop, I’d save on shipping and therefore could get a larger quantity. I’ll know Tuesday if the store might be able to get some in for me.


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