New Setup

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  • #10420

    I got a 3foot tank that i plan to breed the celestial pearl danio with. I just have a few questions:
    What would be a good number of fish to start with?
    Would breeding be a problem is sucha large tank?

    Any suggestions are welcome as well.



    Welcome to the forum.
    Breeding should be fine in that tank, raising fry might be a challenge though. You could get a nice amount of CPDs in there though.


    Would it be okay if i only put 6 in such a big tank? or would it be better if i got more.


    Hi and welcome, A tank this large would be fine to grow on the fish and keep the adults to condition them, for breeding with any kind of control over the situation then a smaller tank would be a lot better. I use a tiny 16x8x8 tank holding around 15litres, use a small air powered sponge filter and no substrate at all..You can keep this tank bottom really clean and disease free this way.
    Breeding fish and getting good results is about being in control,


    I’m planning on making this tank densely planted. I wanted to try to experiment if i can keep fry alive in the same tank as long as there are tons of plants for cover. Then i’ll increase the group slowly. Would this work?


    My three females are putting out eggs on what must be a nearly daily basis — several new fry each day. Once the first fry out grow out about a week, the newly free-swimmers start to look edible even to the older fry. I’ve run out of empty tank space, and I think I’ve reached equilibrium in the tanks with adults and older fry. This despite about 70% of the volume choked with dense java moss. Not really sure what else to do about it though, other than putting the adults together for a limited time and then removing them.

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