Neons with CPD

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    This is more about Neons behavior rather than the CPD’s…

    A few days ago I added a group of green neons. After a few hours they lost their independence and joined the CPD school. I wouldn’t mind this unless the CPD where so frightened and kept most of the time hidden .


    Well, Amit, I guess you must have a planted tank, like me. If given a planted tank, CPDs do like to hide. I have some smaller tetras that seem to join in with the CPDs also. My cardinal tetras often hide with the CPDs, but overall come out more often. I have all small, passive, peaceful fish, and, yes, they often hang out with each other.

    By the way, I think your CPDs are just doing what comes natural to them. My CPDs are healthy and happy (breeding a lot, though my other fish eat the eggs and fry as fast as they are produced), but I do get tired of seeing so little of them. I’ve decided to remove my CPDs from my 50G display tank and put them in their own 20G tank (I have 18 of them, plus a 1/2″ fry growing in another tank). I always have plants in my tanks, but I am going to try to plant the 20G in a way that the CPDs cannot get completely out of my sight. We’ll see how it goes.


    I actually tried rearranging my tank also. I made a larger open area in the front and thickened the plants in the back.

    I see them now more but only a little :)

    I was wondering about adding a couple of the ‘larger’ (3-4cm) tetra’s like regular neons or cardinal. Maybe they will take the lead of the groups then. what do you think?


    My cardinals and CPDs get along very well. However, the one thing to remember is that the cardinals and neons are more aggressive feeders, and it may be a little more work on your part to get the CPDs enough food. That’s another one of the reasons that I have decided to move my CPDs to their own tank.

    I have found that putting more aggressive (braver) fish in my tank makes the other fish braver also. Unfortunately, this is sometimes short-lived and things go back to normal after a few days.

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