Mystery snail mystery
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- This topic has 11 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 17 years, 7 months ago by
June 4, 2007 at 12:11 am #10267
ParticipantHere’s the problem, or rather, the strange thing. Soon after I noticed my snails had added 4 little babies to my tank one stopped moveing for days then died.
I don’t know if that is related or not. It was fairly big when I got it, and it has been about 2 years.
RIP Alba.
Anyway now the other one isn’t moving, and I just got it recently, and it’s still relatively small. I’m afraid it will die too, but I didn’t think that breeding made mystery snails die. And I cannot find any information that says they would either.
Does anyone know what’s going on here? Is this just a coincidence that Alba died after? Nothing that I know of changed in the tank, and the fish and baby snails are fine.
Please help me out if you know anything.
– Atlantis Child
June 4, 2007 at 2:36 am #11319Aquaseafoam
ParticipantApple snails do not die after mating. What else is in your tank? Maybe something is bothering them and they can’t open up to move around and eat. what do you feed them? What size tank?
The two year old mostly likely died of old age. If you got them at the same time, they may be the same age, and 2 years is just about tops for apple snails in tropical tanks. Do you know if it is a Cana or Brig?June 4, 2007 at 4:33 am #11320atlantis_child
ParticipantThe snails were in my 10 breeding gallon tank. The other inhabitants are 5 galaxies.
The one still alive I only bought a few weeks ago and was small compared to the other ones there so I figured it was younger. It seemed fine and healthy till after I saw the babies.
They eat algae with a relish, snd there’s plenty enough of that in the tank. There is also many different plants in there if they had a liking for them, which, thankfully, they don’t.
I’m 99% sure they’re Brig
June 4, 2007 at 9:02 pm #11323Aquaseafoam
ParticipantThey sound like brigs to me too, especially since they aren’t eating your plants. What color are they?
Most people with apple snails supplement their diets with “snail cookies” kinda like algae wafers with other ingedients and blanched veggies. They also appear to like duckweed- which is one plant they will eat! lol. I give my shrimp and snails- Crab bites, since it contains a little extra calcium for their shells.
Brigs are very lazy snails. IF they aren’t looking for food or mating, they are conserving energy! haha.
When did you notice the baby snails? Did you see the eggs that she layed? They usually have a hundred or so babies so something must have happened to the rest of them is a good site with lots of info on snail careJune 4, 2007 at 9:33 pm #11327atlantis_child
ParticipantThe one that died was albino, well really pale yellow more acurately. The other is most brown was stripes, plus a yellow stripe and I swear a bit of green. (it doesn;t come off when I tried to scrub her clean)
I found 2 of the babies on the April 24, then 2 more the next day. The most I’ve seen is 4 at any one time. No, I didn’t see the eggs.
Mating, haha. They first thing my older snail did when I put the new one in was dropping from the glass right down on top of her. Geez. :roll:
June 4, 2007 at 10:50 pm #11328Darkmoon Bettas
ParticipantThe egg clusters are big and pink, like wads of bubblegum, and laid above the waterline, like so:
As stated, the clutches usually contain a couple hundred little snails, so only seeing 4 is unusual. They’re usually very visible on the tank sides, although you’ll occasionally get them laid on a filter part or the inside of a hood, which makes them easier to miss. Check the glass and hood insides for any “residue”. If there was a brig egg clutch there, there should still be a faint trace of pink circles left there, dried up, kind of like sea foam on the sand.
Is there any chance the “baby” snails are actually young “pond snails” that came in on plants or something? Those often come in in tiny, nearly invisible jelly-like clusters on live plants. Those clusters are much smaller, usually 20-30. Unless the babies look like PERFECT miniatures of the adults–shell shape, antennae, color–they’re probably not baby brigs.
June 4, 2007 at 11:55 pm #11332atlantis_child
ParticipantI have not seen, nor see any pink stuff above the water level, but I scrubbed up there without really looking recently, before I saw the snails.
They look just like their parents in shape, they are just a pale color with gold. Except one, who is a bit bigger. That one’s mostly brown.
I don’t think they are pest snails. I’ve gotten those before with plants, and actually just found one today. They’re such a nuisance, especially considering how expensive plants are at my local pet store. :evil:
I crush them and put them in the other tank with my ever-hungry betta, white clouds and catfish.June 6, 2007 at 9:46 pm #11347atlantis_child
ParticipantAlright. Now I’m really getting worried something’s wrong in the tank. My other snail (Nigle) has died too.
At least, I’m pretty sure. It’s been lying on it’s back, slightly open, but when I gave it a little poke everyday it closed up. Now it doesn’t move at all.
The galaxies and baby snails seem fin. The snails I’m not so worried about, but I’d be heartbroken if any of the fish died. :cry:
June 6, 2007 at 10:44 pm #11348Aquaseafoam
ParticipantIf you suspect any more snails of being near death, go ahead and place them in a seperate container so they won’t foul the water when they die. If your snail doesn’t close his shell when you pick it up or touch its foot- it is dead.
sorry bout your snails…
June 7, 2007 at 3:09 pm #11349atlantis_child
ParticipantThanks Aquaseafoam,
I put Nigle (or her dead body) into a jar of aquarium water just to make sure she’s truly dead before I bury her next to her mate.They were the only two snails I bought. Now it’s up to those babies to grow up and eat the algae. I’m not buying another snail from the petstore for a while. I don’t know what killed these two, and I wouldn’t want another to suffer the same fate.
June 12, 2007 at 12:26 am #11377atlantis_child
ParticipantI found two more snails, bringing the total number to six.
August 15, 2007 at 3:15 am #11814atlantis_child
ParticipantWell Bloody hell. I have to revive this thread to annouce the death of another adult snail. Also died mysteriosly.
When I got back from vacation I found Eclipse (yes, I name my snails…) on my aquaria stand tight in his/her shell. Remeber hearing they could survive being out, I put it back in the tank.
Next morning it was half in, half out of the water.
Next morning after, at the botttom, alive but not moving.
Next morningafter that, in dead snail posistion, unresponsive.Anyone got any ideas what the problem is?
– Atlantis Child
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