Thanks altaafe. I am gathering information and understanding on the techniques employed in, shall we say more complicated planted tanks as i am very much what i consider to be a newy to the subject.
As i have mentioned on a previous post, i have 5 CPD’s, 4males & a female in a 60L tank with the usual easy keep plants going on. Java moss, java ferns, moss balls, riccia etc.
My plan on setting up a 100L planted tank for my CPD’s has come about because a week ago the ‘lady of the pack’ came up trumps and fry have arrived ! So far i have only been able to spot 8 in any one time but i,m sure there must be more hidding in the plants. 
So, i feel the need for a crackin planted/species tank like many of the fantastic pictures posted on this forum by its members.
Thanks again. Matt.