My first fry

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  • #10718

    Well finaly have found my first fry and egg.
    Sould i leave the fry in the tank or move it to another tank/breeding trap.
    Help folks!!!!!!


    The parents are notorious fry/egg eaters… if you want to raise the fry to adulthood, I’d move it.



    We noticed our fry at a very inconvenient time for us. My wife had just got home from work, and I was just heading out the door for my shift. We scooped out the vegetation into one of those containers you see in fish stores that hang on the side of the tank. We quickly filled up a square 2 1/2 gal aquarium with a heater and hung the container on the side on the inside, so that part of the container was submerged in the 2 1/2 gal. We then supplied air with a smalll air wand. My wife also spotted one of our corydoras hastatus carrying an egg. She scooped out as many eggs as she could find and put them with the CPD fry. Four CPDs and 3 cory fry survived. The 7 fry are now growing up together in the 2 1/2 gal tank. The corys are starting to look like hasbrosus (also in the parent’s aquarium). We hope to find more fry soon.



    Thanks for the help.
    Have found 2 more fry and have moved them into another tank.
    What do you guys feed them on. was thinking micro worms or powder food?


    I feed fry on infusura for the first week to week and 1/2, after that baby brine shrimp (frozen baby brine shrimp works too), frozen rotofers work too. I am currently raising fry from 6 different species, java moss works well. The infusora breed in it, gives the fry a constant food source. Make sure you vary the food. Prepared food like baby bites works well too.

    I have an infusora colony. I scooped 1 litre of water out of a back yard fish pond, filtered it through a strainer into a small (2 1/2 gal) aquarium. Then added lettice. I kept adding aquarium water every couple of days to increase the water volume. I keep throwing lettice in there. When it is time to feed the fry, I strain it through cheese cloth into a small jar, then use a coral feeder to feed it into the tank. I inject it into java moss too.



    @foxycatfish wrote:

    What do you guys feed them on. was thinking micro worms or powder food?

    I usually feed green water / infusora for the first week. After that it’s micro, walter & banana worms and Golden Pearls Rotifer Size 5-50 Microns from Kens Fish.

    Welcome to the forum and best of luck with your new fry!



    Mine seems to love feeding on/in the mature java moss and after about 1-2 weeks take the very fine crushed powder food.

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