I’ve just picked up a 4ft tank off ebay for £21(bargain) and will, when I have time, be turning it into my danios new home with a few ottos to help with any algae and probably my pair of clown killies. So in total there will be 18 danios, 3-4 ottos and two killies. At the moment they are split between two 2ft tanks. (which will become, fry/hospital tanks)
Now here’s the fun part…suggestions please on the best way to plant it.
I have plenty of bogwood, java fern, java moss, anubias- low light plants in one of the tanks, but the other has things like wisteria, hair grass, and a few others I don’t know the names of which all could do with a much brighter light.
Should I stick with the low light approach or go for high tech planted?
Any help greatly appreciated, and lists of suitable plants.
Cheers everyone.