My 11 Gal exclusively for CPD (and red cherry shrimps).

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  • #15055

    Loving your tanks its exactly what im looking to set up! Did you put the CPD’s in as a first fish and how did you mature your filter?


    Yes, it is an exclusive CPD tank. I only put two otocinclus temporarely but they should go in another tank soon with their friends. I put some Red CHrry shrimp too but my population decrease dramaticaly as the CPD eat the youngs.
    I built my tank in last January and wait for more than 5 weeks for cycling before introduce the CPD.


    The last update from my 10G.
    I need to prune my plants today.

    I made a video, you can see some CPD… :)


    Thanks for the info it was just what i wanted to hear before setting up my tank, im going to set up something very similar! :D


    Another update :
    I own a Boostled LED controler to simulate dawn and dusk and give a maximum power with my 10 000K LED for few hours in middle of the photoperiod.
    The result is amazing each morning and night… And with a better control of the duration for each LED type, I have a better control for algae. I had few green hair algae and now for one week, just changin my photoperiod and they disapeaar… 8)
    I have no new breeding with my CPD. I’m thinking that maybe the red cherry gave them a “fresh” , rich and constant live food and gave a better chance for spawning. I have no RCS any more… linked ?

    Last update on November 27 :


    Looks better everytime i see it! Im still gaining and taking in as much information before setting mine up in the new year :D


    Juste an update :
    My rotala macrandra looks like bad shape. Don’t know why, all the other plants grow a lot… Maybe I should prune it.
    Anyway, tonight I just see another baby CPD in my tank !!! :D
    So, it is not linked with shrimps for food… But maybe with moss : I put some Fissendis in my tank as I did no longer keep some java moss. Less than 2 weeks and new fry…
    I’m happy to see that they spawn again.
    To be continued… :arrow:


    Last update :
    My CPD continue to spawn. Now I have 4~5 babies in the tank, They are 4~5 days old for the youngers and 2 weeks for the older.
    The plants grow very well, I have some algae on my wood but nothing to declare the war against it. I will clean up the wood.

    One spawning couple of CPD who play in the Hemianthus Cuba. They’re very nice to see playing in the HC. :D



    Beautiful setup indeed. Your CPDs are lucky to have you on their side.

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