Hi All
First post! – Great site!
So I have just set up a 6 gallon tank, for my CPD’s (2 males , 3 females) which I got from my LFS.
They seem fairly colourless and grey, after 3 or 4 days they seem to be feeding well on flakes and look more alive and starting to show some colour.
(im not sure weather their young or just stressed from the move)
whilst clearing my yard over the weekend I found an old bucket full of rainwater and a massive colony of mossy larvae, have you guys tried finding larvae with CPD’s? (im fairly new to fish keeping but this free source of live bait seems to good to waste )
how would I judge how many to feed my 5 fish? (Im thinking of using a small shrimp net and scooping the survice of bucket and collecting a small number of larvae, before rinsing them off and adding to my tank (sound safe?) – the CPD’s are so small would the larvae big to large for their mouths?
please let me know your thoughts
Ollie – novice