Microrasbora Kubotai

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  • #10838

    I have a chance to buy some of these fish, which I understand to be more closely related to danios than rasboras. They’re apparently very small fish, and I was thinking they might be good tankmates with some celestial pearl danios. Thoughts?

    Carmon in NM

    I have some kubotai and they might work okay. They are about the same size and stay much more at the top of the water than CPDs do. They are also way more active and aggressive so the CPDs might hide for a while.

    I currently keep mine in a small community tank with a male betta and they kind of run him around at feeding time! They are hardy – mine are probably around three years old now. The only ones I have lost were males who fought too much over the girls.

    Carmon in NM


    Thanks. I’ll give it a try; if they intimidate the CPDs, I’ve got another tank to which I could move them.

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