Well I don’t have CPDs yet… but LFS said they are trying to get some for me. In the meantime I’m trying to get a nice home prepared for them. My tank is planted though not very heavily yet – I will get more plants as budget allows – and the plants are mostly just surviving not so much thriving… My well water softened has a pH around 8.4… I’m thinking my plants and CPDs would be a lot happier with pH closer to neutral.
-Any suggestions?
-Do you think adding a small DIY co2 setup along with decent stocking of fish will make any difference to lower pH a little? (55gal tank, currently 3 Zdanis and 2 Otos)
-I’ve heard of people using peat in filters for this – does it work and won’t it cloud/color the water?
Any thoughts/experiences you can share would be appreciated!