Looking for some in USA or WI

Welcome to the website! Forums General Marketplace Looking for some in USA or WI

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  • #10872

    I saw a person on here that is from MN but he hasn’t log in 3 years ago.

    I am interest in getting some if anyone in the USA has some for sell.

    If not, I will be ordering a few online then.

    Name your price and shipping rate. Looking to get around 12 mix male and female.

    I want to get some soon next year around Jan.


    Since no1 is looking to hook me up with some.

    I have bought some online for 6.50 each. and it should be here by Thursday. Look forward to breed this fish.


    Hi hmoobthor, welcome to the forum. Missed your post due to the Christmas weekend!

    I’ve got lots of fry, but nothing that is shipping size. Let us know how your on-line CPD’s do for you.


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