Nice looking Leopards snowyowl88!
Like Tom said, they will just eat the eggs or any fry that are produced. That’s a common trait with fish that spawn by scattering their eggs and especially with Danios.
You will probably continue to have aggression problems where one fish picks on the other as long as you only have 2 fish. Danios are schooling fish and behave much better in groups… the more the merrier. If you have room in your tank, I’d suggest you get at least 4 more Leopards so you have a minimum of 6 fish.
I’m currently keeping about 20 different types of Danios. I normally keep them in groups of 6 to 12 fish, in ten gallon tanks with great success.
Best of luck with your new fish!
ps; I changed the subject of this post to make it clear that’s it’s about fish other than CPD’s.