Keep losing fish…

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  • #10497

    Don’t know why, but a bunch of my fish have died recently. It really sucks, and somehow it seems to be the ones I’m most attached to. :cry:

    First it was my betta, Aquila on the night of December 23. He’d been hiding previously, so when I found him he had the tail rot. I treated him for a few days in my extra 5 gallon, but it seemed it was too late.

    Second was my other betta, Rexy. I moved him from the adult side of the platy tank to the 20 gallon. After not seeing him for a day or two I began to search the tank carefully. I found him wedged between a piece of slate and the aquarium side. He was in perfect condition, but his mouth was open wide. Only guess I can make was he wedged himself too far in (bettas like to stick themselves places to just hang out and not keep themselves afloat) and suffocated, not being able to use his gills or get to the surface.

    That was about the December 28.

    Today I found my panda catfish, Bandit after searching. Dead and eaten away at. No doubt by his friend my large and round peppered catfish, Chewy.

    Weird thing was I got a new betta on the same day Rexy died. Not replacing Aquila, I just love bettas and no tank that can safely have one needs one. Always get ones in vastly different colors and looks so as not to remember previous beloved.

    He’s called Ghost. He’d been at the petstore a few weeks and I’d grown attached to him. Very pale with at long flowing tail. Got another yesterday, as we’d gotten a bunch in (we didn’t recieved any fish the week of Christmas). He’s a beautiful red with regular specks that look like little crystals. Something like that anyway.

    Weirdest thing is that despite these deathes my water is no different than usual. I keep it fairly good, and I’d think even if it was bad the neons would be the first to get sick anyway.

    Don’t understand, but now I just have to go and bury my dead. :cry:

    – Atlantis


    Sorry about your losses!
    It’s possible it was just age.


    Wish that was a possibility even, but no.

    – Atlantis


    what other fish do you have with them altlantis???
    sorry to hear about your deaths :cry:


    Neon tetra, Zebra danios, White clouds, Peppered catfish where Aquila and Bandit died. Rexy too, later (the 20 gallon)

    There was no harassing going on. All was peaceful.

    Now Ghost has died in the 22 gallon. :cry: Death is a total shock and mystery. No external symptoms except gills wide open. Was found sideways on bottom. Had been acting just fine recently.

    He was in with Platys, Corys, big Apple snail. Peaceful too.

    I don’t know what’s up. I know I’m not a bad fish keeper, and my water’s good and all, but all this makes me doubting, and really sad. :(

    My other betta, Crimsy is being treated for fin rot (came with him), but is doing just fine.

    – Atlantis

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