Hi Dennis
Hope you are well,
Great news, since we last spoke, my little friends have started to spawn.
due to the size of the fry, im thinking infusoria is the best way to go during the first week.
(my first ever breeding attempt)
I have started my own culture, and after 4-5 days on my window sill the water is a cloudy green.
This is my first time using infusoria, I have a turkey baster (stolen from the girlfriends kitchen) how much and how frequent
would you advise feeding? and also, how long should I use green water – Ive read most people advise only for the first week or so, but
the fry are so tiny, i still doubt they would be able to to eat the tiny flakes ive crushed into dusk.
(Ive took your advise and took the spawning mop straight out of the main tank and just left it in the 15 litre breading tank – wasnt sure if there were any eggs, so small i couldnt see !!! but appearently there were about 6 or 7…and finding new fry each day) 
so, sooOo small !!!