If you could…

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    If you could have and be able to keep any kind of fish, what species would it be? Try to keep it to a few, eh. :D

    Mine would be neon orange catfish, or roseline sharks…Can’t decide which I like better.

    They have both at the fishstore. There are 4 of the sharks, which don’t sell because they’re about $60 each I think. Can’t afford, and no tank space.

    Of course, people buy much more expensive fish, but it’s not sharks, just ciclids.

    The neons are $20, but I have no tank space. Some day I hope. Maybe if I ever figure out the whole breeding thing, and get into catfisk, I’ll try them. When the store first got them they were very plain, but lit up after a week and a bit. Beautiful…!

    Both are so colorful and freaking awesome!!! :) :P

    Killifish are cool too.

    – Atlantis


    Theres so many, I’m going to get an octopus someday (hopefully soonly) And I’d love a bamboo shark. Also I want a breeding pair of porcupine puffers, and a stars and stripes or mbu puffer. I also want an anglerfish and cpds along with many others I cant think of.


    Right atlantis this is my wish list, 1000 wild discus, 200,000 cardinals, 50 zebra plecs, all the dwarf cichlids and a ton of bogwood,java moss and java fern..
    Oh yeah and this tank to put it in. http://www.aquarticles.com/articles/management/Arapaiman_Monster_Tank_MFK_version.html

    :lol: :roll: :wink: :D :D :D

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