@chr15_8 wrote:
well done and congrats
how many have you got?
are they in there own tank/ isolated from the parents?
you need to change you sig now :wink:
the most we’ve seen at any one time is 7, but the tank is heavily planted, so there could be more. i’ve kept them with the parents as there is alot of plant cover and the adults seem to stay in 1 corner and the fry are in another, so their territories dont really cross so hope that they’ll be ok. i did have a fry tank all set up and cycled, but then packed it up since they weren’t breeding! they were 1st spotted a couple of weeks ago and now about the size of a wk old guppy fry (about a cm but with e distinct round body and quite easy to spot now in the tank!)
and yep….off to change my sig!!!! well spotted!! :wink: