Ok so my fry was hatched sometime around mid august I don’t remember the date correctly… maybe around august 23. So by my calculation fry is around almost 5 months……. I know the female lays eggs in a period of couple of days so some fry are older than others.
My concern is that some are still quite small you can see the dots on their bodies and someshowing some color in their fins, it’s not as red as the parents color but they still small. My biggest fry is almost or half the size of adults the rest are pretty small. I had them for a while in a 2.5g nursery and just recently like a month ago moved most into a 10g with their parents, I had maybe 50 fry in total and and some are still in the 2.5g only beacuse I didn’t wanna overstock my 10g since CPDs are not the only inhabitans 
Other than that everyone doing very well, eating etc. I did had some disfigured fry but that’s expected…
So my question is… Is it normal and they are just very slow growing fish or did I stun the growth when had them in 2.5g nursery?